英语人>词典>汉英 : 几何化 的英文翻译,例句
几何化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Geometric active contour is antinoise and fit for the cell image segmentation.


His other contributions include relativistic cosmology, capillary action, critical opalescence, classical problems of statistical mechanics and their application to quantum theory, an explanation of the Brownian movement of molecules, atomic transition probabilities, the quantum theory of a monatomic gas, thermal properties of light with low radiation density (which laid the foundation for the photon theory), a theory of radiation including stimulated emission, the conception of a unified field theory, and the geometrization of physics.


The vector has the rich actual background and the widespread application function, it has the algebra and the geometry dual statuses, causes the algebra geometrization, the geometry algebra, has communicated the algebra, the geometry and the trigonometric function, has the good analysis method and the complete structure.


Cao and Zhu claimed to have "the first written account of a complete proof of the Poincaré conjecture and the geometrization conjecture of Thurston."


This fall, the American Mathematical Society attempted to organize an all-star panel on the Poincaré and geometrization conjectures at its January 2007 meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.


It is embodied in the three research programs of modern physics:(1) According to the program of geometrization of physics, the essence of the Curved Space in gravitational field needs to be explicated by Riemannian geometry, differential geometry, tensor analysis;(2)According to the program of quantum field theory, the generation and annihilation operator can represen...


Two of the papers--one authored by Bruce Kleiner and John Lott of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, the other by John Morgan of Columbia University and Gang Tian of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge--stopped short of the geometrization conjecture, because Perelman's explanation of the final step had been too sketchy.

三篇解释工作中的两篇,一篇出自安娜堡-密歇根大学的Bruce Kleiner与John Lott,另一篇出自哥伦比亚大学的John Morgan和剑桥麻省理工学院的田刚,他们在几何化猜想上还差一点,因为佩雷尔曼的最后一步太简略。

In the latest issue of the Asian Journal of Mathematics, published in the U.S.A, the Chinese mathematician Xi-Ping Zhu (University of Zhongshan, Guangton, China), and Huai-Dong Cao, Pennsylvania,, announced that they had arrived at "a complete proof of the Poincare and Geometrization Conjectures".


We extended the Safety Margin theory, the flight parameters transferred to the singular space through the SVD method. This conception created the Safety Margin Terrain and showed the geometry properties of current flight.


It is embodied in the three research programs of modern physics:(1) According to the program of geometrization of physics, the essence of the Curved Space in gravitational field needs to be explicated by Riemannian geometry, differential geometry, tensor analysis;(2)According to the program of quantum field theory, the generation and annihilation operator can represen...


更多网络解释与几何化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


algebraically independent elements 代数无关元 | algebraization 代数化 | algebro geometric 代数几何的

algebro geometric:代数几何的

algebraization 代数化 | algebro geometric 代数几何的 | algebroid function 代数体函数

product differentiation:产品差异化,产品特色化

摘要:生产者剩余 (producer surplus) 生产者剩余等于厂商生产一种产品的总利润加上补偿给要素所有者超出和低于他们所要求的最小收益的数量. 从几何的角度看,它等于价格曲线之下、供给曲线之上的区域. 摘要:产品差异化,产品特色化(product differentiation) 什么是产品差异化? 产品差异化是指企业以某种方式改变那些基本相同

geometrical vector:几何向量

geometrical optics 几何光学 | geometrical vector 几何向量 | geometrization 几何化


实际上自广义相对论起,物理几何化(Geometrization)的思想就已经初露端倪. 广义相对论很大程度上可以理解为关于时空的几何学;就是经典力学,也一样可以从几何学角度进行阐述. 此论题对笔者来说太深,容后再论.

geometrization of gravitation:引力几何化

geometrical structure factor 几何结构因子 | geometrization of gravitation 引力几何化 | German silver 德银

Geometric isomerization:几何异构

异构化一般分光学异构化(optical isomerization)和几何异构(geometric isomerization)二种. 通常药物异构化后,生理活性降低甚至没有活性. 光学异构化 光学异构化可分为外消旋化作用(racemization)和差向异构(epimerization).

geometric quantization:几何量子化

heart check 心部[中心]裂纹 | geometric quantization 几何量子化 | suprarenal [解]肾脏上的, 肾上腺的 肾上腺

renormalization group:重正化群

在统计物理和高能物理中,用到所谓重正化群(renormalization group)的方法,是非稳定系统的一个重要工具. 在微分方程或微分几何遇到奇异点或在研究渐近分析时,炸开(blowing up)分析是一个很重要的工具,而这种炸开的工具亦是代数几何中最有效的工具.

Solid Geometry Modeling:实体几何造型

基于图象:physically-based modeling | 实体几何造型:Solid Geometry Modeling | 参数化特征造型:feature modeling method