英语人>词典>汉英 : 凝聚集 的英文翻译,例句
凝聚集 的英文翻译、例句


coherent set
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If the installation of vaccum system is not rational,it will make noncondensable air gathering and terminal difference increasing.

通过对托电一、二期4×600 MW机组的真空分析,找出了影响双背压机组低压凝汽器真空的主要因素为,抽真空系统设置不合理使不凝结气体聚集,导致端差增大,并通过试验验证了理论分析的正确性,进而提出了解决方法。

Electro-acupuncture could lower abnormally-increased plasma D-dimer and Fib content in cerebral infarcted rats, efficiently accommodate blood clotting and fibrinolytic systems, decrease blood wiscidity, inhibit platelet aggregation and coagulum formation, and improve blood circulation of brain.


As the body response for the trauma, the adipose tissues as blood serum behavior in the wounded tissue were suffered mobilization. At the same time, the ectogenesis fat tissue entranced blood circulation. As the result of hemodynamics alteration, there were blood platelet and erythrocyte and leucocytes and lipid granules collecting on the surface of these lipid droplets. The volumes of these lipid droplets were enlargement. These lipid droplets were changed to fat embolus by the promotion of coagulation and fibrin deposition intra-blood vessel.


The oil sewage disposed process is a complex disposal technique. The disposal process is more difficult for the change of PH Flux temperature of raw water and the other polluted quality. At present the disposed water by the system of oil of sewage is unstable and high cost. Now the method for the oil of sewage have physics chemistry physical chemistry and biology etc. In the every disposed method has its own specially, Basis of the oil sewage condition of power plant. The text use chemic method. Another word is method of Flocculation-deposition. Injecting Dosage into sewage. Making small suspends grain and the electrophorus colloid gather into bigger colloid and deposit. Separated it from water and purify the oil sewage. Make disposed oil water up to grade.


Congregation obtained after chitosan k and a treatments showed more tightness than sediments obtained without chitosan treatment, sediments after chitosan b and c treatments were network in structure. Mixed systems of pectin, protein and polyphenol were applied for studying a simulated system of kiwifruit juice. It was shown that the aggregates of pectin molecules in pectin solution were dispersing tubular globules. Particles in mixed solution of pectin and bovine serum albumin had two states: one was circular in photo, the other contained single particle or aggregates of several particles. Pectin decreased the interaction between protein and polyphenol and strengthened the stability of mixed solution of pectin, protein and polyphenol. Chitosan flocculated mixed solution of pectin, protein and polyphenol, and the floccule was white, having a network structure.


Blood lipid,blood viscosity,coagulation-time,platelet agglutination rate,lipid hyperoxide and carry-lipoprotein level were determined using Transansio automatic biochemical analyzer,automatic rinse spin rheometer and Chrono-log 400 platelet agglutinating meter respectively.


The result indicated that ZXTMN group excelled the western medicine in the aspects of ameliorating symptom and hemodynamics, adjusting sugar and lipid metabolism, and reducing urine albumin and pltaelet adhesiveness and aggreagtion. The mechanism, which ZXTMN prescription could protect renal function, probably was (1) decreasing the level of sugar and glycosylated ferrohemoglobin;(2) decreasing AR activity of erythrocyte, improving SDH activity of erythrocyte, reducing accumulation of sorbitol in the erythrocyte, thus ameliorating the polyol metabolism;(3) accommodating lipid metabolism;(4) ameliorating coagulation, gathering, thick and mucosity of patient blood.


There are still some advancements in this treatise,such as:(1) In the flocs collection aspect, previously scholar collected flocs by some pipe,and it could make the flocs fragmentation、superpose.


The sol gel materials are prepared through the hydrolysis and polycondensation of tetramethoxy silicane.

溶胶 凝胶技术是将金属醇盐等原料配制成均质溶液,在饱和条件下经水解缩聚等化学反应,生成物聚集成溶胶,再经蒸发、干燥转变为凝胶,这是一项在低温下制备纳米粉末或多孔玻璃的技术[1] 。

A water molecular gel can be formed by the aggregation and self- assembly of gelator 4,4-bissteaiylarnide diphenyl ether at very low concentration. The microcosmic morphology, thin fiber-like structure, was observed from atomic force microscope and TEM of the gels.


更多网络解释与凝聚集相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在粉体的处理过程中由范德华力、静电力等弱结合力的作用而生成的不规则絮凝物(random floc)和由粘合剂的强结合力的作用聚集在一起的聚结物(agglomerate)都属于二级粒子.

carrier ampholyte:载体两性电解质

2.聚丙烯酰胺凝胶(PAG)切割纯化法等电聚焦(lsoelectro focusing ,IEF)又称为等电点分离法,是利用一种含载体两性电解质(carrier ampholyte)的凝胶在电场中形成pH梯度,同时把具有两性电解质性质的样品(如蛋白质)聚集在他们的等电点相应的pH区带中,


量试验(ATT) 血浆鱼精蛋白副凝试验因子VIII/因子IX促凝活性 活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)凝血时间(CT) 血小板聚集试验(PAgT)血小板黏附试验(PAdT) 血块收缩试验(CRT)毛细血管抵抗力试验(CRT) 出血时间(BT)血清结合珠蛋白(H

cluster set:凝聚集

极限集:limit set | 凝聚集:cluster set | 水平集:Level Set


coagulation 胶体体系在外界条件作用下(如加入适宜的电解质,改变温度等),分散相质点相互聚集形成可分离的沉淀物凝块(coagulum)的过程称为聚沉. 聚沉常与絮凝(flocculation)通用,前者形成的聚集体紧密、易分离,后者形成的絮凝物(floc)较为松散,

coherent ring:凝聚环

coherent module 凝聚摸 | coherent ring 凝聚环 | coherent set 凝聚集

coherent set:凝聚集

coherent ring 凝聚环 | coherent set 凝聚集 | coherent sheaf 凝聚层


假如我们有伤口身体第一个保护的反应是血管收缩来减少血液流失,再来是血液中的血小板聚集起来堵住伤口止血,最后一个步骤是血浆中诸多凝血因子活化,最后凝血纤维原 (fibrinogen) 转化成凝血纤维(fibrin)包住血小板成为更稳固的血块,


简言之,絮凝是指"微絮凝体"(microfloc)再通过机械或水力搅拌进一步聚集成肉眼可见的大"絮凝体"(floc). 在水处理工艺上与之相对应的两个阶段分别为快速混合和絮凝. 对于不同的水处理工艺,混凝剂的投加量也不相同. 例如,

thrombin time:凝血酶时间

方法采用小白鼠体外凝血时间及家兔血浆凝血酶原时间(PT)、家兔血浆白陶土部分凝血活酶时间(KPTT)、家兔血浆凝血酶时间(Thrombin Time)和ADP诱导的家兔血小板聚集实验来观察竹叶提取物的抗血栓作用.结果竹叶提取物22.5mg/kg、45mg/kg扣90mg/kg能显著延长小鼠体外凝血时间;