英语人>词典>汉英 : 准备着 的英文翻译,例句
准备着 的英文翻译、例句


be prepared for · in store
更多网络例句与准备着相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's a small drizzly rainy day, but this could't hold up our passion. The brothers of ZhongshanUniversity had gone to 107d with Agitprop Minister Lene early 7 o'clock. On this time the missionaries were busy with preparing for balloons and hanging color strips.

灰蒙蒙的天上下着淅沥的小雨,但这丝毫阻挡不了大家的热情,还没到7点,中山大学微软俱乐部的兄弟就在公关部长 Lene 的陪同下早早的赶到了107,这时工作人员还在忙碌地准备着气球、挂着彩带。

It was a drizzly day with soft rain, but this couldn't hold up our passion. The brothers of Zhongshan University had gone to 107d with Agitprop Minister Lene early 7 o'clock. On this time the missionaries were busy with preparing for balloons and hanging color strips.


Our feline friends are only interested in one thing: meat (except for saving up the energy to catch it by napping, or a round of restorative petting) This is not just because inside every domestic tabby lurks a killer just waiting to catch a bird or torture a mouse, it is also because cats lack the ability to taste sweetness, unlike every other mammal examined to date.


Just like 3 years ago while i was preparing for came here, i need to prepare for depart here.


Has been able to put aside the matter, doing all possible to speculate the reasoning really have to go abroad by, the success of the Internet has become a well-known woman novelist, is well-prepared to return home after a date with first love, did not expect "love The wine known interest "of her drunk to be careful not to write on the computer, deleted the article archive was expelled from the company, as long as the drinking will lead to troubles in the past because she makes wine, love often unhappy, drunk Hedley know before the book, one thing is a mess no reason Fortunately, with each side always grew up with, the Peach Blossom 10-year-old town of Chol "rehabilitation", she will be able to saved the day.


Has been brooding on the matter, doing all possible to guess the reasoning went by really overseas, the success of the Internet has become well-known woman novelist, after returning home is prepared with the first love of appointments, did not expect "love known spirits of wine "drunk, she does not care to write the article in the computer archive of all deleted and dismissed by the company, as long as the drinking will get into trouble because of her past makes the work of wine, love often unhappy, drunk Hedley known before the book, one thing is a mess for no reason, but fortunately there will always be for each side, together with their grown up, Secret Love of its decade-long town-chul "rehabilitation", she can be saved.


Emerging from his wartime hide-out at Chungking, China's dictator returned in triumph to his capital in Nanking, ready, willing and seemingly able once more to assume undisputed sway over 450,000,000 people.


We are ready to devote our lives to protect ours' homestead because we all love it!!


A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.~Mark Twain


The castle's four kitchens glowed and smoked like busy foundries as a horde of perspiring scullions prepared the funeral baked goods, the meats and bread and festival wafers.


更多网络解释与准备着相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

in store for:准备着,储藏着

13.终生学习者 lifelong learners | 14.准备着,储藏着 in store for | 15.和我们作伴 keep us company

in store for v.1:就要落到... 2.必将发生的, 注定的 3.替某人准备着

in store v.1.贮藏着, 备用 2.等候着 3.必将发生 | in store for v.1.就要落到... 2.必将发生的, 注定的 3.替某人准备着 | storage n.1.贮藏,保管 2.存储

have sth in store for sb:储存着,准备着

have sth in stock 有现货 | have sth in store for sb 储存着,准备着 | have sth to do with 与...有关系

in store:储藏着;准备着;必将发生、就要到来

in spite of 不管,不顾 | in store 储藏着;准备着;必将发生、就要到来 | in that 因为

in store:贮藏着,准备着

in general 一般地, 大体上 | in store 贮藏着, 准备着 | keep in touch with... 与...保持联系

be in store:准备着;必将来到或发生

store v供给;装配;储藏 | be in store 准备着;必将来到或发生 | set or lay store by 重视;珍视

Who is of smiling face, bestower of all fortunes:谁是带着笑脸的未来给予者

T.n.t. for the brain 心灵炸药 | Who is of smiling face, bestower of all fortunes, 谁是带着笑脸的未来给予者 | Whose hands are ready to rescue anyone from fear, 谁的手正准备着 把人们从恐惧中解救出来

the Bauhaus Corporation prepares:鲍豪斯准备着

On the muddy planes of Europe...|在欧洲泥泞的土地上 | the Bauhaus Corporation prepares...|鲍豪斯准备着 | for another assault on the Capitol lines.|对卡比特尔防线的再一次攻击

Con gli occhi bassi:我低垂着眼睛

Pronto a difendermi准备着保护自己 | Con gli occhi bassi我低垂着眼睛 | Stavo in fila站在队列里

Golden Spumante:时刻准备着一场狂欢,姜涛

Golden Rhine,德意志最恬淡的那一面,郭锐. | Golden Spumante,时刻准备着一场狂欢,姜涛. | Spumante Blush,打了高光的甜美,王丽丽.