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决定论的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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This is said in order to justify the exemption of the insane consistently with the tenet of determinism , in spite of the fact that from a determinist viewpoint


The debatebetween historical determinism and anti-historical determinism is one of the most difficult,most disputatious and the richest issues in the philosophical studies in the 20th century.


Biological anthropology, of evolutionism--bionomics and the anthropology on zoology determined by either religion or human nature; another category is the anthropology on indeterminism, including the anthropology on fortuitism and statistics .they all come out with some part of the truth on human issue which they have seen, and at least they reveal some actually existent facts in human's birth, existence and development, so they all hold their own opinion and do not come to terms.


Popper's critique of historicism, viz, his historical indeterminism, is on the whole groundless, even though it has widespread influence and is widely accepted in the world.


And many relevant controversies and puzzlement have arisen up to now. This article carefully analyzes them and tries to break out of dichotomy between indeterminism and determinism through deep philosophical reflection.


Two controversial problems were concealed behind of the undoubtedly logical inference:(1) the relationship between science, especially the classical physics, and determinism;(2) the relationship among determinism, indeterminism and Human freedom.


In conclusion, after redefining the demarcation between indeterminism and determinism, the article points out that the complexity negatives the strict determinism, but it does not necessarily result in strong indeterminism in science. It indicates a view of new science.


Based on telling the difference from metaphysical indeterminism to "scientific" indeterminism, Popper refuted the idea that "human science contains indeterminism" so as to make the determinists maintain their determinism only on the level of belief, which makes it possible that free will exists.


Second, with regard to unlimitedness and limitedness of the material world, the philosophical outlook of the universe differs from that of the natural science....


Taking a view of Yan'An literature deciding by political for a example: the view of Yan'An literature decided by political is result by defects of two view between "literature is reflection of political" and "pure literature". Although it includes some positive features, it's ruddily and judgment feature in theory result in a new ideology.


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linguistic determinism:言决定论

而是接受了福科(Foucault)对话批评语言学的哲学基础可以追溯到20世纪30年代的新马克思主义(Neo-Marxism)和法兰克福学派(Frankfurt School)的社会批评理论.他们把社会看作一个有机的整体,其所学基础是萨皮尔--沃尔夫(Sapir-Whorf)语言决定论(linguistic determinism)和语言相对论(linguistic relativity)的学说,

cultural determinism:文化决定论

但是,我们决不能因此就可以片面地夸大文化的作用,否则,我们又将堕入"文化决定论"(cultural determinism)之中,一如环境决定论、生物决定论或经济决定论一样而偏于一端.

reciprocal determinism:交互决定论

班杜拉的"交互决定论"(reciprocal determinism)是建立在吸收了行为主义、人本主义和认知心理学的有关部分的优点并批判地指出它们各自不足的基础上,具有自己鲜明的特色.

psychic determinism:心理决定论

不过这类"决定论"相当盛行,可分为三大类:一,基因决定论(genetic determinism):认为人的本性是祖先遗传而来.你的脾气不好,那是因为祖父母 就是这样,借着基因承袭到你身上.二,心理决定论(psychic determinism):强调你的个性是父母种下的因.父母的教养方式与童年的经验,


提倡波士顿儒家的南乐山深受这一条思想线索的启发而发展了他自己的神学. 他给予上帝由无中生有(ex nihilo)的创世观以创造性的阐释,而强调了"非决定论"(Indeterminism)的论旨. 当代基督宗教神学的新发展无疑促成了进一步的东西会合的机缘.


70年代未,混沌学的理论已渗透至教学系统 设计(ISD)领域,对建立在线性的封闭系统观、决定论的可预测性以及负反馈圈基础上的传统的教学系统设计观 提出质疑,并试图将混沌学的非线性开放系统、非决定论的不可预测性、正反馈圈等基本概念引入教学系统设 计,


另外有一种系统曾经让决定论的科学家束手无策的,是行为毫无规律的动态系统,我们称之为随机(stochastic)系统. 赌场裡的轮盘系统或是地震的发生机制都被视为随机系统. 对於这类动态系统,我们无法找到一个决定论的模型去预测它的行为.



economic determinism:经济决定论

)的经济决定论(economic determinism). 冯纳强调劳务自主的理念对北方反奴隶制人士的重要性,指出主张废奴者的道德观并不一定就是北方的主流观感. 许多北方人士(包含林肯在内)反对奴隶制度的部分原因在于惧怕黑奴可能散布到北方以致威胁自主的白人劳工.