英语人>词典>汉英 : 冠状环 的英文翻译,例句
冠状环 的英文翻译、例句


coronary ring
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The diagnostic features for the species include deep excavation on the posteroventral margin of the premaxilla, a diastema between the premaxillary and maxillary teeth, a a number of many pits and ridges on the anterolateral surface of the antorbital fossa, the posterolateral process of the parietal being long and sharply posteriorly directed, the column ar -like margin of the pterygoid process of the quadrate, the bifurcated posterior margin of the dentary, a distinctive groove posterior to the anterior carina on the medial surface of the premaxillary tooth crowns, absence of ventrolateral processes on intercentrum of t he atlas, T-shaped centrum of the first caudal in ventral view, transverse process on anterior caudals with rounded , and strongly anteroposteriorly expanded distal end, presence of two fossae separated by an oblique ridge on the lateral side of the anterior chevrons near the articular end, and pubis strongly curved psoteriorly.

这一属种的主要鉴定特征包括:前上颌骨后腹缘有一深凹、前上颌齿和上颌齿之间有一齿缺、眶前窝外表面前部有许多坑窝和脊、顶骨侧后突伸向后方、方骨的翼骨支边缘柱状、靠近前上颌齿齿冠舌面前缘有槽、环椎间椎体外腹突缺失、第一尾椎椎体腹视 T 形、前部尾椎横突远端前后向强烈扩展呈圆形、前部脉弧近端外侧面有两个被一斜脊分离的窝以及耻骨强烈向后弯曲。通过分析千禧中国鸟龙的96个骨骼学特征,发现其中21个特征支持奔龙类与鸟类的亲缘关系最近,9个特征支持奔龙类与伤齿龙类亲缘关系最近,25个特征支持奔龙类、伤齿龙类和鸟类亲缘关系较为接近。

In addition, the four-armed macrocyclic guest forms a complex with molecular cage, in which each of the limbs of the guest protrudes from a unique macrocyclic face of the host to result in a turtlelike supramolecular complex.


J Am Coll Cardiol,1991;17:509[15] Shimizu A,Nozaki A,Rudy Y,et al.Onset of induced atrial flutter in the canine pericarditis model [J].J Am Coll Cardiol,1991,17:1 223[16] Stevenson WG,Khan H,Sager P,et al.Identification of reentry circuit sites during catheter mapping and radiofrequency ablation of ventricular tachycardia late after myocardial infarction [J].

在冠状窦起搏周长为300 ms和静脉给予1 mg/kg氟卡胺后,在房扑组病例中SD2均由上至下进行性延迟,指示第二个心房波激动主要是由间隔激动沿三尖瓣环逆钟向兴奋右房游离壁所致,显示出跨界嵴传导功能性阻滞。

By use of anatomy sign method which depends on the double lineations from tricuspid annulus to coronary sinus and CS to inferior vena cava,type Ⅰ atrial flutter was ablated.


更多网络解释与冠状环相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ora serrata:锯齿缘

前1/3肥厚部称睫状冠(corona ciliaris),其内表面有数十个纵行放线状突起,称睫状突(ciliary processes),它有调节晶状体屈光度的作用,睫状突表面的睫状上皮细胞具有分泌房水的功能,后2/3薄而平叫睫状环(orbiculus ciliaris),它以锯齿缘(ora serrata)为界,移行于脉络膜

step by step:逐步

以海斯格(Haissagurre)等为代表的"逐步(step by step)"消融策略包括PVI+CFAE消融+线性消融等复合消融,用于慢性房颤成功率极高. 消融部位不仅涵盖左右肺静脉,还包括左右心耳(LAA和RAA)(主要是基底部)、冠状静脉窦(CS)、LOM、SVC、CFAE、左房顶部线、二尖瓣环峡部线(MI)、三尖瓣环峡部线(CTI)及局灶等.

cricothyroid joint:环甲关节

1.环甲关节 环甲关节(cricothyroid joint)由甲状软骨下角与环状软骨两侧的关节面构成. 甲状软骨通过此关节可在冠状轴上作前倾和复位运动,借以调节声带的紧张程度. 前倾时,使声带紧张;复位时,使声带松弛.