英语人>词典>汉英 : 冠心病 的英文翻译,例句
冠心病 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

coronary disease · coronary heart disease
更多网络例句与冠心病相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The method of warming heart-yang to strengthen the heart can improve the clinical symptoms of CHD patients and the myocardial ischemia. It also can reduce blood lipid、increase the glonoin reducing rate and patients life quality. Furthermore, reducing the CHD recur and decreasing the hospitalized times for CHD.


The level of nervation≤40mmHg,the rate of sicken of coronary heart disease was 0.24%.


Methods 1 085 patients receiving coronary angiography were analyzed for risk factors of coronary artery disease and serum concentration of uric acid was measured.


Methods CHD patients were proved by coronary arteriongraphy. 64 patients with type 2 diabetes in combination with CHD were enrolled in group A and 98 patients with simple CHD served as group B. Patients of group A were subdivided into 3 groups based on scalar of the stenotic coronary artery, viz 1 rarnus, 2 rami and 3 rami affection groups, and urinary albumin level was determined. In group A, age, course of DM, BMI, BP, BS, GHbA1c, blood-fat, UAL serving as iv, and affection sum and stenosis index serving as dv, ran polynary gradual regressive analysis.


According to the principle of pair matching and completed medical data 100 pairs of patients and controls were studied. Twenty eight factors related to CHD were numerized.


Results (1)CIMT and FIMT in CHD group were significantly higer than those in non-CHD group(p<0.05), The detection rate of plaques in CHD group was significantly higer than those in non-CHD group(p<0.05);(2) The sensitivity of carotid and femoral atherosclerosis plaques in young CHD patients was 62% and 57%. The specificity was 90% and 86%. The positive predictive value of carotid and femoral atherosclerosis plaques in young CHD patients was 92% and 88%. The negative predictive value was 58% and 53%. The predictive value of combinant measurement of carotid and femoral atherosclerosis plaques was not improved.

结果 (1)冠心病组CIMT、FIMT与非冠心病组比较,前者均高于后者(p<0.05);冠心病组颈动脉、股动脉粥样硬化斑块检出率均明显高于非冠心病组(p<0.05);(2)颈动脉、股动脉粥样硬化斑块预测年轻冠心病的敏感性分别为62%、57%,特异性为90%、86%,阳性预测值分别为92%、88%,阴性预测值为58%、53%;颈动脉、股动脉联合检测未见明显提高预测值。

Patients with premature CHD (male5 years-old,female5 years-old) were compared with 78 patients with gerontism CHD.


the coronary heart disease exist the insulin resistance, hyperinsulinism and lipin metabolism abnormity, they are all the dangerous factor which the coronary heart disease occurs, the insulin resist and the coronary heart disease clinical symptom serious degree are related.


For the cases of CHD,the level of plasma endothelin-1 in these of HPIgG seropositivity is higher than that of HP seronegativity(P.05).(4) No correlation between chronic HP infection and essential hypertension,diabetes mellitus,tobacco use,age,gender,vocation,living condition ,alcohol consumption and family history was found.(5) For the cases of positive for Carbon-14 urea breath test in CHD patients, the level of plasma GLU is higher than that of negativity for Carbon-14 urea breath test (P.05).The rate of positive for Carbon-14 urea breath test in CHD patients with diabetes mellitus is significantly higher than that of CHD patients without diabetes mellitus.

结果(1)冠心病组血清HPIgG阳性率明显高于非冠心病组(45.54%vs 28.30%,P<0.05);(2)冠心病组C-14呼气试验阳性率明显高于非冠心病组(54.46%vs 30.19%,P<0.01);(3)冠心病组慢性HP感染者血浆ET-1水平明显高于非HP感染者(P<0.05);(4)慢性HP感染与血脂、高血压史、糖尿病史、吸烟史、年龄、性别、职业、生活环境、饮酒史以及冠心病家族史无关;(5)现症HP感染与糖尿病及空腹血糖升高有关(P<0.05);与血脂、高血压史、吸烟史、年龄、性别、职业、生活环境、饮酒史以及冠心病家族史无关。

The expression of EL in endothelial cells may play a role in the progression of CAD. The EL+/CECs may be a good prognostic factor. EL+/CECs together with hsCRP may increase the prognostic value.快车资源xn XtTnt_Ahx


更多网络解释与冠心病相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

angina pectoris:冠心病心绞痛

近年来随着人们生活水平的提高,高血压、糖尿病、高脂血症和吸烟者的增多使冠心病心绞痛(Angina pectoris)的发病率和死亡率有明显的增高,发病年龄也日趋年轻化.

unstable angina pectoris:不稳定性心绞痛

冠心病心绞痛:angina pectoris of CHD | 不稳定性心绞痛:unstable angina pectoris | 鹅冰舒冠滴丸:Coronary Angina Pectoris

Stable angina pectoris:劳累性稳定型心绞痛

气阴两虚证:coronary heart disease with angina pectoris | 劳累性稳定型心绞痛:Stable angina pectoris | 冠心病心绞痛:coronary heart disease with angina pectoris


[摘要] 目的:探讨肺炎衣原体(TWAR)与急性心梗(AMI)、心绞痛(Angina)型冠心病之间的关系. 方法:低密度脂蛋白(LDL)结合,使脂蛋白产生抗原性或对[摘要] 目的:探讨血液灌流加血液透析对慢性肾衰患者血清中瘦素(Leptin)、同型半胱氨酸(tHey)及甲状

arteriosclerotic heart disease:动脉粥样硬化性心脏病

arteriosclerotic coronary artery disease 动脉硬化性冠心病 | arteriosclerotic heart disease 动脉粥样硬化性心脏病 | arteriovenous anastomosis 动静脉吻合术

coronary artery:缺血-再灌注

冠心病:Coronary Artery disease | 缺血-再灌注:coronary artery | 冠心病:Coronary artery disease.

cardiac asthma:心原性哮喘

这种阵发性呼吸困难称为"心原性哮喘"(cardiac asthma),可见于高血压心脏病、冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(冠心病)等. 3.中毒 在代谢性酸中毒(尿毒症、糖尿病酮中毒)时,血中酸性代谢产物强烈刺激呼吸中枢,致呼吸深而规则,可伴有鼾声,

senile CUD:老年冠心病

老年肿瘤:senile tumour | 老年冠心病:senile CUD | 神经纤维缠结:senile plaque

coronary heart disease:冠心病

两组治疗前和治疗6个月均使用超声心动图分别测定左...代写代发医学论文综述 冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(coronary atherosclerotic heart disease)是指冠状动脉粥样硬化使管腔狭窄或阻塞导致心肌缺血缺氧而引起的心脏病,它与冠状动脉痉挛一起,统称为冠心病(coronary heart disease)''亦称缺血性心脏

Pulmonary incompetence:肺动脉瓣关闭不全冠心病

Pulmonary stenosis 肺动脉瓣狭窄 | Pulmonary incompetence 肺动脉瓣关闭不全冠心病: | Atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化