英语人>词典>汉英 : 农业区 的英文翻译,例句
农业区 的英文翻译、例句


farm belt · agricultural region
更多网络例句与农业区相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is an industrial center in an agricultural region.


A city is S Alberta; center of a large agricultural region.


Based on the relative theories of biomathematics, a new approach to trend extrapolation of time series of ecological footprints is proposed in this paper. Materials for analysis were taken from the agricultural areas of oases in the Hexi region of Gansu province as an example.


Calcareous soil are widely distributed in chief agricultural areas of China.


Chiquita said it made the payments for the safety of its employees, who were threatened by the organizations in farming regions of Colombia.


Chiquita said it made the payments for the safety of itsemployees, who were threatened by the organizations in farmingregions of Colombia.


Chiquita said it made the payments for the safety of its employees, who were threatened by the organizatio in farming regio of Colombia.


The arid and semiaridfarm belt is about 52.5%of the earth land in our country, among which the plowlandis 51 million hm~2 and is about 51%of all plowland in our country. The dry landwithout irrigation is about 65%of the and and semiarid farm belt.


The research applied landscape ecology, integrating land using, ecology networks, and the concept of human needed environment model addressed by Odum to build natural and cultural criteria which are used to decide natural factorsand cultural factors. Subsequently, applying the criteria and planning procedures to category land into agricultural and non-agricultural areas. The agriculture areas include basic grain production areas, and leisure agriculture areas. The non- agriculture areas include agriculture of river corridor ecology restoration areas and remnant cultivates lands. Above all, remnant cultivated lands are separated into wilderness, parks or indefinite areas because of different context.


By SWOT method, the paper analyses Chi Zhou's conditions of developing feature agriculture from its advantages and disadvantages and chances and challenges. With agricultural regional layout, Chizhou's feature agriculture areas fall into following categories: the one with mass characteristic in diked bases in the west north along Changjiang River, the one with interactive characteristics in middle mountainous part, and the one with agricultural and forest integration characteristics in low mountains in the southeast, among which emphasis should be put to develop fine rice and cotton and tea and sericulture and medicinal materials and bee-related product and distinctive seafood and livestock product.


更多网络解释与农业区相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


farinose 产粉的 | farkleberry 白莓 | farm belt 农业区

farm belt:农业区

farkleberry 白莓 | farm belt 农业区 | farm bloc 美农业集团

farm bloc:美农业集团

farm belt 农业区 | farm bloc 美农业集团 | farm hand 农业工人

agricultural regionalization:农业区划

agricultural region 农业区 | agricultural regionalization 农业区划 | agricultural relief 农业地貌

Residential Walls:住宅墙

5:住宅墙(Residential Walls)有4种住宅墙,效果都一样. 住宅墙的最大作用是把你的居民区围起来,把它跟农业区、手工业区、配送系统这些低吸引力的地区隔开,从而提高居民区的吸引力. 住宅墙也可以用来防御外敌入侵,不过效果远比不上军事建设中的城墙.


旧称"士麦那"(Smyrna). 人口86.1万(1984). 位于爱琴海伊兹密尔湾湾头,为天然良港. 附近为重要农业区,有河谷通往内地. 输出以无花果、棉花、烟草、蔬菜、谷物、地毯、丝织品为主. 工业以纺织、食品、成衣等轻工业为主,

the Caribbean sea:加勒比海

马埃斯特腊山和加勒比海(the Caribbean Sea)环抱着古巴圣地亚哥,这个城市位于古巴岛东部,是全国第二大城市和第二大海港,100万人口,面积6170平方公里,80%(6000平方公里)以上是森林和农业区,山区面积占63%,景色秀丽,它是一座山城,

spawning ground:产卵场;孵鱼场

sparsely developed area 发展项目较稀疏的地区 | spawning ground 产卵场;孵鱼场 | special agricultural zone 特别农业区


中下游谷底平坦宽阔,曲流发达,地理学上的"曲流"(Meanders)一词即从本河的名称而来. 中下游为土耳其重要的灌溉农业区,并为安纳托利亚西部与爱琴海之间的重要通道.

Which province is one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world:哪个省是世界上最多产的农业区之一

Gold, silver, nickel, zinc, copper, iron ore 金、银、镍、锌... | 109. Which province is one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world? 哪个省是世界上最多产的农业区之一? | Saskatchewan 萨斯喀...