英语人>词典>汉英 : 军需官 的英文翻译,例句
军需官 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
quartermaster  ·  PM

pay officer
更多网络例句与军需官相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Whether you are a bankrupt, a student or a poor credit paymaster, secured credit cards are better choices even though you have a limit on how you spend your money.


The quartermaster has only two sizes, too large and too small.


QUARTERMASTER:''' I've allocated you your kit, as requested.


QUARTERMASTER: Sorry, I already issued all of those kits.


Mr. Smith was a quartermaster in the army .


To have access to the Quartermaster's supply of limited kits you '''must be in a squad'''.


No,growled the quartermaster, you can't have a new pair of shoes. The pair you have aren't worn out.


To have access to the Quartermaster ' s supply of limited kits you ''' must be in a squad '''.


Military procurement officers were drawn to the AR770's higher cyclic rate and underslung M355 grenade launcher, but seasoned combatants missed the dependability of the Enforcer.

军需官们非常满意高循环射速的AR770和悬挂式的M355榴弹发射器,但是经验丰富的士兵们却并不信任 Enforcer 的可靠性。

And then after the adjutant comes the commissariat commissioner to inquire where the stores are to be taken, and the ambulance director to ask where the wounded are to be moved to, and a courier from Petersburg with a letter from the Tsar, not admitting the possibility of abandoning Moscow, and the commander's rival, who is trying to cut the ground from under his feet (and there are always more than one such) proposes a new project, diametrically opposed to the plan of marching upon the Kaluga road. The commander's own energies, too, require sleep and support.


更多网络解释与军需官相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Military Advisor:军事顾问

医护官(Medic)照顾伤者,军需官(Quartermaster)管理兵团的资源,军事顾问(Military Advisor)则提供队长战术建议. 这些只是兵团中一部分的职务,还有许多其他重要的职位. 奉圣(Consecration)与圣德(Virtues)属於物资. 兵团中大部分的成员只是战士,


俄国骠骑兵团标准编制为10个野战中队,具体兵力包括1名colonel-in-chief(请教该如何翻译),1名上校,1名中校,2名少校,8名上尉,7名参谋军官,20名中尉,5名准尉(sergeant major),20名见习生(cadet),10名军需官,90名士官,1320名士兵,

commissioned shipwright:舰上修理木工

commissary of subsistence给养军需官,给养员 | commissioned shipwright舰上修理木工 | committed flying hours额定飞行小时


logistic 后勤学的 | logistical 後勤 | logisticianquartermaster 军需官

past master:前会长,前主持人

Past Master 前会长,前主持人; | Paymaster 军需官,出纳员; | Periodic Maintenance 定期维修;


Past Master 前会长,前主持人; | Paymaster 军需官,出纳员; | Periodic Maintenance 定期维修;


医护官(Medic)照顾伤者,军需官(Quartermaster)管理兵团的资源,军事顾问(Military Advisor)则提供队长战术建议. 这些只是兵团中一部分的职务,还有许多其他重要的职位. 奉圣(Consecration)与圣德(Virtues)属於物资. 兵团中大部分的成员只是战士,

quartermaster depot:军需仓库

quarterly 季刊 | quartermaster depot 军需仓库 | quartermaster 军需官

See the platoon sergeant:去找排军需官

732现在放下装备 Now, shake down your gear. | 733去找排军需官 See the platoon sergeant. | 734领你要用的东西 Draw what you need for the field.