英语人>词典>汉英 : 冒险尝试 的英文翻译,例句
冒险尝试 的英文翻译、例句


take the plunge
更多网络例句与冒险尝试相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While rich countries agonise about whether Anglo-Saxon capitalism should be replaced by the French version and the French flirt with revolutionary socialism , emerging markets have stayed angst-free .


It was their first foray into piggybacking.


Being mindfully present in your body brings everything together so that you can comfortably risk trying things differently.


This will be one of your best months to take a fashion or beauty risk.


He decided to take the plunge .


If I am going to take the plunge into Windows 7, I want to make sure I can go back if I'm unhappy.

是这样吗?如果要冒险尝试Windows 7,我想确定如果不喜欢的话还能恢复以前的版本。

Being a traditionalist, I never dreamed I'd take the plunge.


As the chronicler of their high-rolling adventure exclaims in the book The Eudaemonic Pie,"Why would anyone play roulette without wearing a computer in his shoe?"


As the chronicler of their high-rolling adventure exclaims in the book The Eudaemonic Pie,"Why would anyone play roulette without wearing a computer in his shoe?"


Plus, test drive tools that you may have never ventured to try before, such as painting and keying.


更多网络解释与冒险尝试相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在美国,"进取"一词具有"冒险"(adventurous)和"雄心"(ambitious)的涵义. 美国学者阿诺尔德和泰格特在比较加拿大和美国的民族性格时曾指出,美国人比加拿大人更愿冒风险和尝试新事物. 对此,明尼苏达州工商联合会主席博登,


E回合玩家接邻的部队能回应反击(Counterblow),包括处於混乱(Disorganized)状态的部队和白色力量数值的部队. 你可以尝试让断补给(Unsupplied)的部队突围;或对较弱的部队迎头痛击,冒险尝试获得反攻(Counterattack)的机会

Perilous Forays:冒险尝试

175Overwhelm压服RAV | 176Perilous Forays冒险尝试RAV | 177Primordial Sage始生智者RAV

gotta take a risk:但我必须冒险

但我不会忘记我来自何方 But I won't forget the place I come from | 但我必须冒险 gotta take a risk | 尝试一下 奋斗一回 Take a chance Make a change

take the plunge:尝试冒险

take the pledge 发誓戒酒 | take the plunge 尝试冒险 | take the rap 承担刑事责任

We should take the plunge:我们要冒险尝试一下

11、You gotta lighten up. 你得高兴点 | 12、We should take the plunge. 我们要冒险尝试一下 | 13、I was not born yesterday, pal 我不是三岁小孩了 伙计

We should take the plunge:冒险尝试下

思绪万千 Get a lot on my mind | 冒险尝试下 We should take the plunge | 拜倒在石榴裙下 she fantasize a handsome millionaire would sweep her off her feet.

to take the plunge (idiom):冒险尝试;毅然从事(习语)

give you a lift home: (搭我车)送你回家 | to take the plunge (idiom) 冒险尝试;毅然从事(习语) | under guarantee: 在担保期内

Tempt providence:冒险尝试

Tempest in a teapot 大惊小怪 | Tempt providence "冒险尝试 | Ten a penny 平平常常的;毫无价值的

tenter v.t:试图, 尝试, 引诱

risquer v.t. 冒险, 有...危险, 有...可能 | tenter v.t. 试图, 尝试, 引诱 | craindre v.t. 担心,害怕,畏惧;对...敏感,抗不住