英语人>词典>汉英 : 冒火 的英文翻译,例句
冒火 的英文翻译、例句


fly off the handle · burn with anger
更多网络例句与冒火相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I was there when the car burst into flames all of a sudden .


The wheel inside the lighter is made from strong carborundum.


Why do your notions carry you away, and why do your eyes blink


These things enkindle my wrath, a fire that burns all the day.


Magician what to see science domestic expenses be a red of fishworm, the in the mind be secretly funny and he think:The cow see red get very angry, the fish see red still not get mad?


I saw a hound,an enormous black hound.it was bigger than any dog i had ever seen.but it was something else that filled us with terror.no human eye had ever seen a hound like this one.fire came from its open mouth.its eyes were burning.flames covered its head and body.it was a more horrible sight than anyone could imagine-a hellhound sent by the devil.it was not a creature of the natural world.


It was Lavoisier, however, who clearly identified in that year the two constituent gases and produced water by using Volta's method of sparkingthe mixture over mercury.


Like that, one word led to another, and finally the only way we could appease her was to call one of the girls over and let them tickle each other… When Fillmore came back with the Negress her eyes were smoldering.


It is written in the sky; it flames and dances, like an evil portent.


The stolidity with which I received these instructions was, no doubt, rather exasperating: for they were delivered in perfect sincerity; but I believed a person who could plan the turning of her fits of passion to account, beforehand, might, by exerting her will, manage to control herself tolerably, even while under their influence; and I did not wish to 'frighten' her husband, as she said, and multiply his annoyances for the purpose of serving her selfishness.


更多网络解释与冒火相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a black eye:眼睛打青

black dog 忧郁、不开心的人 | a black eye. 眼睛打青 | black looks白眼. see red : 发怒,冒火

cut up rough:[口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架

cut up well 死时留下巨款 | cut up rough [口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架 | cut up nasty [口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架

cut up rusty:[口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架

cut up nasty [口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架 | cut up rusty [口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架 | cut up savage [口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架

cut up savage:发脾气, 发怒

cut up rusty | 发脾气, 发怒 | cut up savage | 发脾气, 发怒 | cut up stiff | 发怒, 冒火 露出凶相 找人吵架

cut up savage:[口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架

cut up rusty [口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架 | cut up savage [口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架 | cut up stiff [口]发怒 冒火; 露出凶相; 找人吵架

fight fire with fire:以火攻火, 以毒攻毒

cease fire:停火. | fight fire with fire:以火攻火 以毒攻毒. | shoot fire:眼中冒火怒目相对.

glad rags:[俚](个人所有的)最好的一 套衣服

get sb.'s rag out [粗]惹某人冒火, 使某人暴跳如雷 | glad rags [俚](个人所有的)最好的一 套衣服 | have not a rag to one's back 衣不遮体, 破衣烂衫

black looks:白眼. see red : 发怒,冒火

a black eye. 眼睛打青 | black looks白眼. see red : 发怒,冒火 | black and blue : 遍体鳞伤,青一块紫一块

to see red:发怒,冒火

to see red 发怒,冒火 | to see the red light 意识到危险来临 | to catch sb. red-handed 当场将某人逮住

Flamming Moe's:冒火的摩伊

9. Saturdays Of Thunder 我的好爸爸 | 10. Flamming Moe's 冒火的摩伊 | 11. Burns Verkaufen 核電廠危機