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内腔加工 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In view of the feature of filter shell body and the formability of HPb59-1 brass,the warm forging process was adopted to manufacture the precision forgings of shell body for the microwave communication apparatus.


The method of ultrasonic broaching waveguide entocoele mentioned in th e article is the impulse machining method, in the broaching process the broachin g tool is thrown over the vertical ultrasonic vibration to obviously improve wor king accuracy and surface quality of waveguide entocoele.


Lactide, glycolide or caprolactone, biodegradable polyester and diisocyanate as materials are first bulk melt polymerized to prepare the degradable polymer with thermal deformation transforming temperature of about 37 deg.c. The obtained material is processed at temperature over melting temperature so as to shape into spiral rack, applied with stress at temperature higher than Ttrans to form shape easily operational handling and frozen to eliminate stress into the product.

本发明以丙交酯、乙交酯或己内酯,生物可降解聚酯及二异氰酸酯为原料,通过本体熔融聚合制备得到热致形变温度转化点在37℃左右的可降解高分子材料,将得到的材料在熔融温度以上进行加工、赋形制作成用于不同管腔内的螺旋管状支架;在T>T trans 条件下施加应力,加工为便于手术操作的形状;冷冻定型消除应力,即得产品。

Based on the laser longitudinal mode splitting theory, a novel scheme of dual-frequency laser with large frequency-difference is presented using electrically controlled birefringence of liquid crystal, and the transmitted resonant mode splitting by birefringent of Fabry-Perot etalon has been analyzed theoretically. A new element of liquid crystal Fabry-Perot etalon is designed and fabricated, which serves as aselector and splitter of both laser longitudinal modes and Fabry-Perot etalons transmitted resonant modes. Two different experimental systems of laser-diode end-pumped Nd:YAG laser have been set up using two different LDs, and the transmission of liquid-crystal cell have been measured. When the empty LCFP is inserted in the cavity of high-power LD pumped Nd:YAG laser, the oscillation of a single laser longitudinal mode have been observed, such a result shows that the designed and fabricated LCFP element is capable of selecting single axial mode. While an anti-reflected liquid crystal cell is inserted in the cavity of Nd:YAG laser end-pumped by the high-power LD, it is difficult to confirm weather the laser longitudinal modes have been spitted or not. The subject is summarized in this thesis and the improvement of the project has been presented.


The pattern of the tyre of agricultural vehicles has to fit in with the inclement working situations of the vehicles,which brings some difficulty to the pattern block mold design of the tyre.


The shell body of slip-jaw clutch is a disk with complicated cavity, it is difficult to process the complicated cavity.


Use of alloy chilled cast iron roller, a hard wear-resistant surface, cavity processing, so that the roll surface temperature uniformity.


Use of alloy chilled cast iron roller, a hard wear-resistant surface, cavity plus ah, so that the roll surface temperature uniformity.


The method is to move the stoving from inside the pellet producing apparatus to one alone stoving furnace outside the pellet producing apparatus. Inside the stoving furnace, there are waveguide tube connected to microwave generator and conveying belt in the bottom, and the pellet is fed to inside cavity of the stoving furnace on the conveying belt, stoved by microwave quickly and discharged on the conveying belt to vertical pellet furnace for roasting.


Jiang Ye Yiyang colored plant since 1997 zhejiang for the production of three Group took the body with yellow brass, there have been more than a decade of history, maturing technology, complete equipment, product quality higher than the national standards in the chemical products Composition, tolerance level of accuracy, mechanical properties, both inside and outside surface quality in areas such as technical requirements, Reflects a production capacity of enterprises, technical and management level.

化学成分,化学成分 GB/T5231—2001中的 H65化学成分范围,为使其性能更有保障,对主成分及有害杂质进行更严格控制,制订企业标准(Q/JY001—2004)。(2)公差及机械性能参照 GB/T1527—2006拉制管标准和浙江三花集团企业标准 Q/ZSH05·099—2002,制订企业标准(Q/JY001—2004),对其进行严格控制。三位四通阀的工作环境是液态或汽化的氟利昂等冷凝剂,其内腔气密性要求十分苛刻,这就需要 AC 黄铜管的内、外表面质量有极高表面质量,内、外表面光洁,无划伤、拉痕、起皮、沙眼、夹杂等加工缺陷,无酸、油、润滑等残留附着物。由于 AC 黄铜管在制作四通阀时,需要锯切、车削、冲孔等机加工,因此对公差精度要求很高。

更多网络解释与内腔加工相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


浇铸 (casting) 是塑料加工的一种方法. 早期的浇铸是在常压下将液态单体或预聚物注入模具内﹐经聚合而固化成型﹐变成与模具内腔形状相同的制品. 20 世纪初﹐酚醛树脂最早用浇铸法成型. 30 年代中期﹐用甲基丙烯酸甲酯的预聚物浇铸成有机玻璃 (ref: 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 ) .


进入内质网腔的多肽链还要经过各种修饰加工,如糖基化(glycosylation)、羟基化(hydroxylation)、酰基化(acylation)和二硫键(disulfide bond)的形成等. 糖基化伴随着多肽链的合成同时进行,是内质网中最常见的多肽链加工方式.

chambering:炮眼扩孔 炮眼掏壶 扩孔爆破 内腔加工 上膛

chamberedparenchyma分室薄壁细胞 | chambering炮眼扩孔 炮眼掏壶 扩孔爆破 内腔加工 上膛 | ChamberlainandHookman水银旋转计数器


撒砂:stuccoing | 内腔:entocoele | 塑性加工:plastic working