英语人>词典>汉英 : 内脏异位 的英文翻译,例句
内脏异位 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
heterotaxia  ·  splanchnectopia

heterotopia visceralis · visceral ectopia
更多网络例句与内脏异位相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Background— Primary ciliary dyskinesia is a recessie genetic disorder that is characterized by sinopulmonary disease and reflects abnormal ciliary structure and function. Situs inersus totalis occurs in 50% of PCD patients (Kartagener's syndrome in PCD), and there are a few reports of PCD with heterotaxy, such as cardioascular anomalies.

背景 先天性纤毛运动异常症是以呼吸道感染和纤毛结构与功能不正常为特征的隐性遗传性疾病。50% PCD患者易发生完全性内脏异位(如PCD中的Kartagener综合征),有小部分PCD伴有心脏旋转不良等心血管异常现象。

Medication during early pregnancy can cause fetal spina bifida, cleft palate, clubfoot, small limbs, Phocomelia, umbilical prominent cheek transverse fissure, cerebral meningocele, cerebral spinal cord dysfunction, osteogenesis imperfecta and fetal death. 2, prednisone: big neat administration during early pregnancy can cause stillbirth, streaming, no brains infants, small ectopic kidney, one-eyed, cleft palate, bone deformities, such as. 3, 6-8 weeks pregnant villus chromosome examination; pregnant 16-20 weeks to do the amniotic fluid puncture in amniotic fluid cell chromosome examination; At the same time, dynamic observation of maternal alpha-fetoprotein content; attention fetal B-track general shape and structural abnormalities offal.


Methods and Results— The prealence of heterotaxic defects was determined in 337 PCD patients by retrospectie reiew of radiographic and ultrasound data.


Estrogen can cause fetal congenital heart defects, large vascular malformation, hydrocephalus, cerebral meningocele, visceral malformations, hydrocephalus, meningeal, bulging, visceral malformations, feminization of male fetus, penile deformity , cervical abnormalities, but also easy to cause miscarriage, stillbirth and ectopic pregnancy.


更多网络解释与内脏异位相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

visceral effector:脏器效应器

visceral ectopia 内脏异位 | visceral effector 脏器效应器 | visceral fascia 脏筋膜


heterosis 杂种优势 | heterotaxia 内脏异位 | heterotaxy 内脏异位


heterosynapsis 异型联会 | heterotaxis 内脏异位 | heterothallic 异宗配合的

heterotaxis:内脏异位; 地层变位 (名)

heterosporous 具异形孢子的 (形) | heterotaxis 内脏异位; 地层变位 (名) | heterotopic 异位的 (形)


heterotaxia 内脏异位 | heterotaxy 内脏异位 | heterotonia 张力变异


adenectopia 腺异位 | adenia 淋巴腺增生症 | adenine 存于内脏等的动物组织中的盐基

Spironema gallinarum:鸡螺旋体

\\"螺旋体症\\",\\"spirochetosis\\" | \\"鸡螺旋体\\",\\"Spironema gallinarum\\" | \\"内脏异位\\",\\"splanchnectopia\\"


splanchnapophysial 内脏骨突的 | splanchnapophysis 内脏骨突 | splanchnectopia 内脏异位


\\"鸡螺旋体\\",\\"Spironema gallinarum\\" | \\"内脏异位\\",\\"splanchnectopia\\" | \\"内脏的\\",\\"splanchnic\\"


splanchnectopia 内脏异位 | splanchnemphraxis 内脏阻塞 | splanchnesthesia 内脏感觉