英语人>词典>汉英 : 内河码头 的英文翻译,例句
内河码头 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

inland terminal depot
更多网络例句与内河码头相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the Embarcadero little kids from a Chinatown school put out their hands for passing skaters - a high five from some half-pint boys and girls.


Secondly with the development of world economy and the progress of science and technology,entering the WTO,approaching to the whole bearing opening door to the foreign country,inland waterway transport countermeasure study is pressing.at last the article brings forward the countermeasure of Chinese inland waterway transportation development as follows...


Be used for cover and scatter or pave the spill oil on floor or water. Best-fit for manufacturing floor.


This term can be used only when the goods are to be delivered by sea or inland waterway or multimodal transport on discharging from a vessel onto the quay in the port of destination.


This term can he used only when the goods are to he delivered by sea or inland waterway or multimodal transport on discharging from a vessel onto the quay in the port of destination.


The age of the automobile had rendered the place irrelevant.The final blow came in 1957, when the double-deck Embarcadero Freeway was built directly in front of the Ferry Building.

汽车的时代是这片土地无关紧要了(The age of the automobile had rendered the place irrelevant不舒服)最后的打击来自1957年建成的双层内河码头高速公路,它就直接树立在渡口大楼的的门口。

更多网络解释与内河码头相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


码头工人 dock workers | 造船厂,修船所 dockyard | 内河航行 inland navigation

Empresa FLota Fluial del Estado Argention:阿根廷国家内河航运公司

ECT 欧洲联合码头公司 Europe combined Terminal | EFFDEA 阿根廷国家内河航运公司 Empresa FLota Fluial del Estado Argention | EGSEL 和荣船务企业有限公司(香港) Eer Glory Shipping Enterprises Ltd

rier pier:河墩

risk assessment 风险评估 | rier pier 河墩 | rier trade terminal 内河货运码头

rier training:改善河道;治河;疏浚河道

rier trade terminal 内河货运码头 | rier training 改善河道;治河;疏浚河道 | rier wall 河道导流墙;河堤

SBC Shenzhen Bay Control Point:深圳湾管制站 深圳湾管制站

RTT River Trade Terminal Co.Ltd. 香港内河码头 香港内河... | SBC Shenzhen Bay Control Point 深圳湾管制站 深圳湾管制站 N | SCI Stonecutters island Public Cargo Working Area 昂船洲公众货物装卸区 昂船洲公众...

Freshwater aquatics breeding:淡水养鱼

肉:fish | 淡水养鱼:Freshwater aquatics breeding | 内河码头:freshwater wharf