英语人>词典>汉英 : 养育的 的英文翻译,例句
养育的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
foster  ·  fostered  ·  fosters  ·  Foster

更多网络例句与养育的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Boldness; and yet boldness is a child of ignorance and baseness.


N.养育者,鼓励者 The mother tried to foster her son's interest in music.


Godliness is the child of truth, and it must be nursed...with no other milk than that of its own mother.


After bearing babies, the altered females, like males, became " insouciant about raising their offspring and keen on having more sex ."


That, Dr Miller believes, is because people, unlike peafowl, bring up their offspring in families where both sexes are involved in parenting. It thus behoves a man to be as careful about choosing his wife as a woman is about choosing her husband.

Miller 博士认为,这是因为人类不同于孔雀,他们在抚养后代时父母双方都有养育的责任,所以男性在挑选伴侣时理应和女性一样小心谨慎。

The welfare homes and some social welfare institutions that also accept orphans oer guardianship and rearing mainly to children who have lost their parents during natural disasters or accidents, and also to those abandoned by their parents because they are seriously or almost irremediably disabled mentally or physically, or because they have contracted a serious illness.


Oer'.'' guardianship and rearing mainly to children who have lost their parents during natural disasters or accidents, and also to those abandoned by their parents because they are seriously or almost irremediably disabled mentally or physically, or because they have contracted a serious illness.


Foster"养育,培养":The parentless child was fostered by an old man.


In effect, then, government has taken over much of the traditional family function of child rearing.


The inner parent is constructed of all of the records of one's own experience of being parented as a child by one's mother or father, grandparents, aunts or uncles, or whoever raised oneself.


更多网络解释与养育的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


breastbonesternum 胸骨 | breastfeed 以母奶养育的 | breastmilklacto 乳


nupercainum /白卡因/ | nuptial /结婚的/婚礼的/婚礼/结婚式/ | nurseling /奶妈养育的婴幼儿/养子/


"养育"(nurture) 一词包含 "规范" 、 "训诫" 和 "处罚" 的意味,用以描述囚犯被钉上十架前所受的严刑铐打. 处罚孩子在现今社会并不受欢迎. 但圣经告诉我们,正确规范在每个敬神的家中有不容置疑的地位 ( 参看箴言十三 24 ,十九 18 ,

Institutional upbringing:公共机构的养育的问题

猝死 Instantaneous death | 公共机构的养育的问题 Institutional upbringing | 社会保险和福利支持不足的问题 Insufficient social insurance and welfare support

We fostered the young girl while her mother was in hospital:小女孩的母亲住院期间我们照料她. (养育,抚养)

25:to foster an interest in music培养对音乐的... | 27:We fostered the young girl while her mother was in hospital.小女孩的母亲住院期间我们照料她. (养育,抚养) | 28:We foster hopes for success.我抱成功的希...

That nurtures you:养育你的草原

养育你的雪山 That fosters you | 你把美丽献给草原 You give your beauty to the grassland | 养育你的草原 That nurtures you

nurtures the hometown that nurtures me:养育了养育了我的故乡

reticent sail, grandeur sea 沉默的帆,壮丽的海 | nurtures the hometown that nurtures me. 养育了养育了我的故乡 | A shellboy wades through shallow warm tide, 拾贝的男孩淌过浅而暖的潮

bottle-fed:用牛乳养育的, 人工营养的

bottle || 瓶子 用瓶装 | bottle-fed || 用牛乳养育的, 人工营养的 | bottle-green || 深绿色的


nurse 护士 | nurseling 奶妈养育的婴幼儿 | nursemaid 育婴女佣


nuptial /结婚的/婚礼的/婚礼/结婚式/ | nurseling /奶妈养育的婴幼儿/养子/ | nursemaid /育婴女佣/