英语人>词典>汉英 : 具沟的 的英文翻译,例句
具沟的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
channelled  ·  fossulate

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Stem often strongly angled and fluted, base densely clothed with fibrous leaf remains.


Leaves of sprouts with petioles terete, 2-5 cm, adaxially canaliculate, tomentose; leaf blade lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, 10-15 cm. Male catkin 3-4 cm; bracts suborbicular, 3-5 mm, usually caducous, base cuneate, margin laciniate, with brown lobes.

圆柱状的菜芽具叶柄的叶,2-5厘米,正面具沟,被绒毛;叶片披针形或卵状披针形,10-15 厘米雄性柔荑花序3-4厘米;近圆形的苞片,3-5毫米,通常早落,基部楔形,条裂的边缘,具棕色裂片。

Canaliculate:Having one or more longitudinal groove s or channels.


Canaliculate:Having one or more longitudinal grooves or channels.


The results showed that the pollen grains of B.biternata is spheroidal and the diameter is(27.0μm) with 3-colposate,the pollen exine sculpture with concentraed echinate


Parviflora is spheroidal and diameter is 25.5μm with 3-colposate,the pollen exine sculpture with concentrated echinate


The pollen grain of B.bipinnata is prolate and the size is 37.0μm×26.7μm with 3-colposate,the pollen exine sculpture with thin echinate.


One of the longitudinal ridges on the surface of a gastropod shell.


This paper listed a great number of records of dinoflagellate cysts with transapical ar-chaeopyte suture in marine and nonmarine deposits and pointed out that the cysts with this structure could be divided into two types which represented respectively two branches of later Cretaceous from marine pyrrophyta.One branch was represented by Palaeoperidi-nium with bipesioid type of reflection plate;the other was represented by Saeptodinium with bipesioid or cinctioid type of reflection plate.

摘 要:本文列举了大量具过顶古口缝的沟鞭藻囊孢在海相和非海相沉积中的记录,指出具这一构造的沟鞭藻囊孢可以细分成两个亚类,分别代表晚白垩世从海相多甲藻类家族中分化出的两个分支:一支以Palaeoperidinium为代表,具bipesioid型反映板式;另一支以Saeptodinium为代表,具bipesioid或cinctioid型反映板式。

The height of the steps on crystal faces increases with the increment of oversaturation degree of gold. The density of the steps adds with the rise of alka...


更多网络解释与具沟的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Catch Basin:阴井

一般传统停车场的排水设计,是很快地让暴雨水经由集水阴井(catch basin)进入密闭的地下排水系统而排放至河川当中. OMSI的设计最具特色的是在停车场周边设置了7个生物草沟(bioswales,由Murase地景建筑师事务所设计)–––一种线形的、暂时性的置流池(retention basin),


cryptococcosis | 隐球菌病 | cryptococcus | 隐球酵母,隐球菌 | cryptocolpate | 具隐沟的


在胸部与腹部之交界处移至背面正中线而到达领. (2)系位于甲壳纲鳃足亚纲之胸部腹面正中线上胸部附肢,即左右2列鳃足之间的沟. 化石板足鲎类亦具同样的构造,加斯克尔(Gaskell)认为它是脊椎动物之脊索的起源. 同鳃下沟.


groove 细沟 | grooved 具沟的 | gross production 总产量

Ixodes persulcatus:全沟硬蜱

1.全沟硬蜱(Ixodes persulcatus) 盾板褐色,须肢为细长圆筒状,颚基的耳状突呈钝齿状. 肛沟在肛门之前呈倒U字形,足Ⅰ基节具一细长内距. 是典型的森林蜱种,是针阔混交林优势种. 成虫在4~6月活动,幼虫和若虫在4~10月出现. 三宿主蜱,三年完成一世代发育.

opisthoglyphic tooth:后沟牙

上下颌全具齿具毒牙的种类,属于后沟牙(opisthoglyphic tooth). 背鳞小,腹鳞宽大. 头顶被少数大型对称的盾片. 无腰带及后肢的残余. 营陆栖、树栖、半水栖和水栖的生活方式. 卵生或卵胎生. 分布几遍及全球. 例如:虎斑游蛇(Natrix tigrina lateralis)又名红脖游蛇、野鸡脖、竹竿青.


沟齿鼩科(Solenodontidae):第二下门齿有深沟,前足大,5趾具强爪,尾细长,几乎无毛,鼻吻特别细长,眼小,耳壳显著,本科仅1属2种. 海地沟齿鼩(Solenodon paradoxus)金毛鼹科(Chrysochloridae):体形如鼹,无耳壳,眼小隐于皮下,尖的鼻吻端部有革质鼻垫,


suevite 陨磺砾岩 | sulcate 具沟的 | sulcus 中槽


"subverruculose","subverruculosus","近多疣的" | "sulcate","sulcatus","具沟的" | "sulcate","culcatus a um","有沟的"

sulcate","culcatus a um:有沟的

"sulcate","sulcatus","具沟的" | "sulcate","culcatus a um","有沟的" | "sulcus","sulcus ","沟"