英语人>词典>汉英 : 具根出条的 的英文翻译,例句
具根出条的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与具根出条的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A small shoot which often over winters, as in some species of epilobium.

具鳞根出条 Turion 常能越冬的小枝条,如柳叶菜属的某些种。

Plants forming soboles or stolons; seed surface papillose or reticulate, without longitudinal ridges

植株形成根出条或匍匐茎;种子表面具小乳突的或网状,没有纵脊 32

Plants forming soboles, stolons, or rosettes, but not fleshy turions; stem bases with rather loose,± herbaceous scales, or scales absent

植株形成根出条,匍匐茎,或莲座丛,但不是肉质的具鳞根出条;相当松散的茎基部具,多少草质鳞片,无的或鳞片 31

Plants strigillose, villous, and/or glandular pubescent, but not tomentose; plants forming stolons or turions, not leafy rosettes; petals 4-8 mm except to 15 mm in E.


Herbs perennial, suberect, often clumped, with fleshy turions that leave brown leathery basal scales. Stems 7-25 cm tall, simple or sparsely branched, strigillose throughout, lacking raised decurrent lines.


Plants forming fleshy turions at or below ground level; stem bases with thick, brown, leathery scales

植株等于或低于地面形成肉质的具鳞根出条;茎基部具厚,棕色,革质的鳞片 27

Plants with basal rosettes, turions, or stolons, not basal shoots, rarely clumped; stems often with persistent basal scales

植株具基生莲座丛,具鳞根出条,或匍匐茎,并非基部的嫩枝,很少丛生;茎通常具宿存的基部的鳞片 13

Plants forming fleshy turions, leaving dense leathery basal scales; fruiting pedicels 5-10 mm; plants 7-25 cm tall; Taiwan.


Leaves ovate or broadly oblong to lanceolate, sharply serrulate; stolons without terminal turions; fruiting pedicels 0.7-1.5 cm; seed comas reddish.


Leaves sublinear to narrowly lanceolate, subentire to obscurely denticulate; stolons with fleshy terminal turions; fruiting pedicels 1-5 cm; seed comas dingy white.


更多网络解释与具根出条的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ventral aorta:腹大动脉

无心脏,但是具搏动能力的腹大动脉(ventral aorta),因而被称为狭心动物. 由腹大动脉往两侧分出许多成对的鳃动脉(branchial arteries)进入鳃隔,鳃动脉不再分为毛细血管,它在完成气体交换的呼吸作用后,于鳃裂背部汇入2条背大动脉根.