英语人>词典>汉英 : 具一小叶的 的英文翻译,例句
具一小叶的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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A leaf theoretically compound, though only expressing a single leaflet and appearing simple, as in Cercis.

具一小叶的 Unifoliate 理论上是复叶,实际为单个小叶,看似一枚单叶的叶子,如紫荆。

Actinodromous(palmate; digitate) Describing a form of leaf VENATION in which three or more primary veins radiate from the base of the lamina toward the margin, as in sycamore, resulting in a leaf that has several large lobes or several leaflets all originating at the same point.


Plants deciduous; fruit with thin, parenchymatous exocarp and woody mesocarp; seeds embedded in a clear glutinous substance; leaves odd-pinnately 3(or 5)-foliolate.


Leaves 5, not fully expanded at anthesis; petiole 5.5--15 cm, with thick long pilose hairs; leaf blade nearly kidney-shaped, rounded-ovate, or 5-angled, 2.5--7 × 4.5--11 cm,± equally 3-foliolate, abaxially with white hairs, adaxially glabrous, base broadly cordate; lateral leaflets subsessile, unevenly 2-lobed; central leaflet subsessile or with a 1--4 mm petiolule, deeply 3-lobed, lobes entire or dissected, ultimate lobes triangular to narrowly linear and 2--3.5 mm wide.

叶5,不完全膨大的在花期;叶柄5.5-15厘米,具厚具长柔毛毛;叶片差不多肾形,圆形卵形,或具5个角, 2.5-7 * 4.5-11厘米,多少具3小叶,背面具白色的毛,正面无毛,基部宽心形;侧生小叶近无柄,不均匀2裂;中心的小叶近无柄或具一1-4毫米小叶柄,3深裂,裂片全缘的或多裂,末级的裂片三角形到狭线形和2-3.5毫米宽。

Leaves 3-foliolate, or simple on long branches; inflorescence a panicle or corymbose polychasium

叶具3小叶,在长分枝上的或单的;花序一圆锥花序或者伞房状的多歧聚伞花序 6

Foliolate' is combined with the prefix 'bi' to form the word 'bifoliolate'.


Leaves digitately 3-foliolate (occasional leaves 1- or 2-foliolate); functional gynoecium 4-7-loculed, syncarpous; fruit a 4-7-loculed drupaceous berry.

掌状的叶具3小叶(偶然的叶具小叶1或2);功能的雌蕊群4-7室,合心皮;果一4-7室核果状浆果。 9 Toddalia 飞龙掌血属

Foliolate' is com BI ned with the prefix ' BI ' to form the word ' BI foliolate'.


European woody plant having pink flowers and unifoliolate leaves and long tough roots; spreads by underground runners.


Leaves palmately compound, rarely unifoliolate, margins entire to serrate; stipules united within petiole.


更多网络解释与具一小叶的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

regenerator grid:再生器分布板

unifoliolate (复叶)具一小叶的 | regenerator grid 再生器分布板 | standard propagation 标准[正常]传播

Pueraria DC:葛属

[摘要]葛根为葛属(Pueraria DC)植物,缠绕藤本,全株被黄褐色至棕色毛. 茎为草质或基部木质,上部多分槐叶为3小叶的羽状复叶,卵形或菱形,全缘或具波状三裂片;花通常数朵簇生于花序总轴的每一节上,为总状花序或圆锥花序,花冠伸出于萼外,


BLC air 附面层控制系统空气 | unifoliolate (复叶)具一小叶的 | regenerator grid 再生器分布板