英语人>词典>汉英 : 其领地 的英文翻译,例句
其领地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
preceptory  ·  preceptories

更多网络例句与其领地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We figure those skeletal or are the carry-over after the person sacrifices, or is this " emperor is cultivated " what adorer kills those daring to encroach person of its feudal people not of the same clan is skeletal.


As an old duty, tariff emerges and develops in the course of commodity exchange and international trade.


A historical region and former duchy of north-central Germany around which the kingdom of Prussia developed.


For example, if a pair of blue-throated males are protecting their territory from orange-throated bullies.


Although most are hostile toward anyone who trespasses on their territories, a few unique dire wolf packs have befriended the Horde in recent years.


The Weddell seal patrols an under-ice territory, which it defends by making a singing noise.


We therefore renew each and all of the constitutions hitherto issued regarding the payment of tithes; against violators and seizers of churches; against fire-raisers and pillagers of fields; against those seizing and holding cardinals of the holy Roman church, our venerable brother bishops and other persons of the church, both secular and regular, and unlawfully taking over in any way their jurisdiction and rights, or disturbing or molesting them in the exercise of their jurisdiction, or presumptuously forcing them to confer ecclesiastical benefices on persons named by them, or to dispose of them in some other way at their arbitrary choice, or to grant or otherwise sell fiefs and goods of the church in perpetual tenure, against making regulations in conflict with ecclesiastical liberty; against providing help, advice and support for the above practices.


Consequently, the Funds may not be offered for sale or sold in the USA, its territories, possessions or protectorates un der its jurisdiction, nor to nationals


Consequently, the Funds may not be offered for sale or sold in the USA, its territories, possessions or protectorates under its jurisdiction, nor to nationals, citizens


Consequently, the Funds may not be offered for sale or s old in the USA, its territories, possessions or protectorates un der its jurisdiction, nor to nationals


更多网络解释与其领地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dominance aggression:支配性攻击

支配性攻击(Dominance aggression)多发生在雄牲中, 主要用来保持其领导的优势.领土性攻击(Territorial aggression)种内同性间攻击 如争取异性和占领或保卫领地等的行为.

Ascension Island:阿森松岛

阿森松岛(Ascension Island)是位于南大西洋的英国海外领地, 全境包括一座主岛以及若干附属礁岩. 行政上隶属于圣赫勒拿殖民地. 首府为乔治敦. 地理 阿森松岛位于中大西洋海岭中, 属于火山岛, 主岛面积约为88平方公里, 在其近岸处有若...

Ayers Rock:艾尔斯巨石

北领地以其知名的"红土中央"及天下上最大的自力巨石-艾尔斯巨石(Ayers Rock)而自满. 北领地重要的产业是矿业,肉牛豢养也占据紧张的职位地方. 航空:中国的北京、广州、上海和香港都有航班飞往澳大利亚的布里斯班、墨尔本和悉尼.


正如这名字所道出的,主人通过授予一份财产――"领地"(fief)或者"善举"(beneficium)完成让他维持生计的义务. "领主封臣"(vasall),对领主怀有义务的仆从,这个词来自凯尔特语,其基本意义是"仆人"、"佣人".


当时,伯尔尼熊公园的一只名叫"芬恩"(Finn)的4岁欧洲棕熊突然意识到一名不速之客闯入自己的领地,遂对其发动攻击. 这名不速之客是一名男子,他先是在"芬恩"的巢穴上高20英尺(6米)的墙上待了10分钟,然后跳了进去.


preceptorial 指导者的 | preceptorial 教师般的 | preceptory 其领地


preceptor /训诫者/教师/圣殿骑士团的修院长/ | preceptorial /教师的/指导者的/教师般的/ | preceptory /圣殿骑士团的地方支部/其领地/


preceptory 其领地 | preceptory 圣殿骑士团的地方支部 | precession 岁差


preceptorial 教师般的 | preceptory 其领地 | preceptory 圣殿骑士团的地方支部


preceptorial /教师的/指导者的/教师般的/ | preceptory /圣殿骑士团的地方支部/其领地/ | preceptress /女教师/