英语人>词典>汉英 : 兵种 的英文翻译,例句
兵种 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
arms  ·  corps

arm of the services
更多网络例句与兵种相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The mission saw several landmarks in the history of the Chinese navy, said Rear Admiral Du Jingchen, commander of the fleet. It is the first time for the naval vessels, shipboard planes and Special Forces to combine together for a non-warfare mission. It is also the first time for the Chinese navy to cooperate with international navies for the same mission on the same waters.


Results The morbidity of oculopathy in different arm of the service all stepped up, the main diseases included the sight feel unqualified, conjunctivitis,retinal optimum denaturation, lattice degeneration of peripheral retina, dried slit pores of retina,traumatic oculopathy, et al. But the morbidity of xerophthalmia, oculi hypertonia or glaucoma decreased; the morbidity of traumatic oculopathy in infantry, strain arm and ground artilleryman was higher than other arms, the morbidity of xerophthalmia and occaecatio was higher, the morbidity of sight feel unqualified, conjunctivitis, xerophthalmia and occaecatio was higher too.

结果 所有兵种在视力不合格、结膜炎、沙眼、视网膜良性变性、周边视网膜格子样变性、视网膜干性裂孔以及外伤性眼病等方面均有不同程度的升高,而在干眼症、高眼压或青光眼方面均有不同程度的降低;步兵、特种兵以及地炮兵中外伤性眼病的发病率较高,装甲兵、坦克兵中干眼症以及眩光的患病率较高,驾驶兵中视力不合格、结膜炎、干眼症以及眩光等疾病患病率较高。

Brought up as a Field Artilleryman,his duty positions include Commanding General of the US Army Combined Arms Command Fort Leavenworth/Deputy CG, US Army Training and Doctrine Command for Combined Arms, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; CG, 3rd Infantry Division, US Army Europe and Seventh Army; Director of Force Development,Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, US Army,Washington, DC; Director, Army Airland Battle Deep Attack Programs Office, and Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, US Army, Washington, DC; and Director of Studies and Analysis, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Combat Developments, TRADOC, Fort Monroe,Virginia.


Melee value below the selected units, a value of close bayonet fighting value, the value the greater the ability to force the more intense close fighting, we can note that some arms are born with fighting on the value of the military than the method The Fusilier, some arms natural fighting ability, but with the experience of growth, increased fighting soon, we can look at.


Horned leaper can jump to indicated creature if there is a free tile next to it and deals damage increased by 10% for each tile crossed while jumping.

2Horned leaper只要指定的兵种周围有空格,它能够跳到指定的兵种边,并且每跳一格+10%的伤害!!!

The Rifleman's ability to resupply teammates ammunition is invaluable to the team, making this one of the most useful classes.


Monk soldiers, pirates, assassins, trebuchet siege towers and more than 10 new units, all of 23 kinds of arms to the seventh game to CD-ROM Forms launched, including 19 in China, Mongolia and Europe, seven ethnic music with their own characteristics, each of the capital will not let you disappointed.


Reworked Nord troop tree, combined two troops into one, added one new Nord troop.


Ranged warfare in the Rus' was more widely used and a more valued tactic than in Western Europe.


Historically, grenadier regiments and battalions began as ad hoc assault forces. All line infantry regiments had grenadier companies; collecting these sub-units gave commanders a useful group of heavily armed, aggressive and skilful soldiers. Grenadier companies remained in line infantry regiments after the creation of grenadier regiments, but they abandoned grenades.

一巴掌游戏温馨提示:本游戏攻略或新闻《《帝国:全面战争》陆军兵种介绍(Grenadiers 掷弹兵)》由会员发布或是来源于网络,如果侵犯到您的权益请告知,我们收到信息后将在24小时内将对&《帝国:全面战争》陆军兵种介绍(Grenadiers 掷弹兵)&这篇文章做出相关处理!

更多网络解释与兵种相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Guardian:守护者,飞龙的进化兵种,只对地 | Devourer:吞噬者,飞龙的进化兵种,只对空 | Infested terran:自杀者,这个很少见到,是用皇后污染人族基地后的产物.

disband unit:就地解散(也适合别的兵种)

to arms 变成民兵 | disband unit 就地解散(也适合别的兵种) | 1 keep:要塞

light infantry:最基本的兵种

Ordos Palace:Ordos宫殿,可发射原子弹. (Ordos特有) | Light Infantry:最基本的兵种. | Trooper:对坦克特别有用,行动慢. 可攻击飞机.

medieval man:兵种的自动升级

food for thought 不受补给限制地生产作战单位. | Medieval man 兵种的自动升级. | Modify the phase variance 可以修建所有的建筑.

medieval man:兵种自动升级

black sheep wall =显示全部地图,知己知彼,百战不殆. | medieval man =兵种自动升级. | modify the phase variance =可以修建所有的建筑.


Spawler的兵种: | Construction Fig: 浮动建造平台 | Rumbler: 步兵,最基本的兵种

Branch Tactics:兵种战术学

合同战术学 Combined-Arms Tactics | 兵种战术学 Branch Tactics | 军队指挥学 Science of Command

troop skins:兵种皮肤

+ troop faces 兵种外貌 | + troop skins 兵种皮肤 | + parties 地名

troop factions:兵种所属国家

+ troop flags 兵种标识(性别、保障等) | + troop factions 兵种所属国家 | + troop faces 兵种外貌

troop proficiencies:兵种武器熟练度

+ troop attributes 兵种属性 | + troop proficiencies 兵种武器熟练度 | + troop skills 兵种技能