英语人>词典>汉英 : 关节点 的英文翻译,例句
关节点 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
articulare  ·  artis

更多网络例句与关节点相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The articulated point for all conducts is to implement the effective environmental management.


Pay attention to the immanent connection of meantime, hold the significance between them correctly, seek the articulatory dot that solves a problem and breakthrough site, should be a kind of train of thought that solves a problem.


Experiments show that the algorithm can extract the affine-invariant line skeleton, resist the noise and automatically determine the branch point and key point in the skeleton.


Based on considering the energy of nodes, the paper gives three attribute chatacteristics: flow factor、bridging factor 、convergence factor,and two ways to find articulation nodes:using energy model to find and finding key nodes in the connected gragh. At the same time,we use network simulator NS2 to simulate and verify our analysis results.


If k = 2 and the graph G corresponding to the wireless sensor network is (l+ max{1,l-4})-connected, or k≥3 and G is l(k-1 + 1-connected, then we can find k disjoint sets each of which completely covers all the targets and remains connected to one of sinks.


The human moving system is defined as a rigid frame, which contains 19 articulate entities. Entity rotates around the father node and its son node is the father of another entity at the next level.


We use multi-source points, compute the initial section with geodesic distance and determine the key point while the section moves front.


In homogeny cluster head hierarchical topology, the article first discusses the selection of cluster head. With a given formula on weights, a suitable cluster head node is selected. And according to the relationship of location with cluster head node, the gateway nodes and the distributed gateway nodes are selected.


The study of them is very important in theory and practice.


Investigators in the Genetics of Generalized OA study enrolled 1,043 individuals from families with two or more siblings with radiographic OA involving at least three joints, distributed bilaterally, from the distal interphalangeal, proximal interphalangeal or carpometacarpal joint groups, and OA in at least one DIP joint. The criterion for radiographic OA was a score of at least 2 on the Kellgren/Lawrence scale.

Genetics of Generalized OA的研究人员以家庭为基础,召集了1,043位试验者参与试验,这些试验者在各自的家庭里都有两位以上患有放射线OA 的同辈患者,病源最少都有3个关节点,病征皆为双向分布,分布点包含远端指节间、近端指节间或腕掌的关节群,以及最少1个OA DIP 关节点;放射线 OA的评估标准使用Kellgren/Lawrence指数,患者的病征指数最少为2。

更多网络解释与关节点相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

articulation point:关节点

近似算法 approximation algorithm | 关节点 articulation point | 平均性态分析 average-behavior analysis

basion, Ba:颅底点

pterygomaxillary fissure, point Ptm 翼上颌裂点 | basion, Ba 颅底点 | articulare, Ar 关节点

pararosaniline:副品红碱 副蔷薇苯胺

pararipple /超波痕/ | pararosaniline /副品红碱/副蔷薇苯胺/ | parartis /侧关节点/


parartis 侧关节点 | parasang 古代波斯的距离单位 | paraschist 水成片岩

superior prosthion, SPr:上颌中切牙牙槽嵴顶点

articulare, Ar 关节点 | superior prosthion, SPr 上颌中切牙牙槽嵴顶点 | infradentale, Id 下颌中切牙牙槽嵴顶点


反向运动与其相反,通过变换子对象逐级向上影响父对象的运动. IK动画的一个最大的优点就是可以定义关节点的工作状态. 在3DSMAX中有两种关节:转动(Rotation)和滑动(Sliding). IK弹出菜单由如下4个子菜单组成:


arrow clasp 箭头卡; | articulare 关节点, | asymmetry非对称性;

articulare, Ar:关节点

basion, Ba 颅底点 | articulare, Ar 关节点 | superior prosthion, SPr 上颌中切牙牙槽嵴顶点

Ar articulare:关节点

10. Go gonion 角点 | 11. Pb posteior border of ramus 枝后点 | 12. Ar articulare 关节点

Cd condylion:颚髁穴

1. Cd condylion 颚髁穴 | 2. Ab anterior border of ramus 前关节点 | 3. Lib lower incisor lingual bony contact 下舌侧齿槽点