英语人>词典>汉英 : 关岛 的英文翻译,例句
关岛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gu  ·  Guam

更多网络例句与关岛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In World War II he commanded the 9th Marines, first in training on Guadalcanal and then in combat on Bougainville and Guam—for the last he had a Navy Cross.


Chow lines were open for the continuous serving of hot meals. Wann, 31 and Naval Academy 1940, had been an amphibian tractor officer at Bougainville, Guam, and Iwo Jima.


CAMACHO said in TVBS's interview that he had been looking for alternative energy solutions and also planned to encourage the non-governmental solar energy construction by granting subsidy.


CAMACHO said, due to the landform, Guam may not have the sinking crisis as Maldives does, but there indeed always exists the problem of coast erosion especially under the present circumstance of Climate Change.


In 2007, Master Sang was appointed as Ambassador at Large for the Territory of Guam. Having previously assisted Guam with Feng Shui, Governor Felix Camacho has presented this honor to Master Sang for his recent and on-going work with strengthening relations between China and Guam.


Situated at the western Pacific Islands, Micronesia, the largest and southernmost island, the first by the Chamorro people to live in the house in the sixteenth century navigator Magellan discovered this virgin island, called "Windsurfing island", from Guam also open the ups and downs of the fate of the transfer of power.


There are men in Guam whose full-time job is to travel the countryside and deflower young virgins, who pay them for the privilege of having sex for the first time.


Guam is America's "west" of the territory, crossed the International Date Line, when the rising sun, it became the first sun exposure to the U.S.


U.S. Air Force 36th Air Expeditionary Wing commander, said White, Guam's future military strength will be greatly enhanced, Guam's strategic position is particularly important, according to the U.S. Air Force's plan, in the next 5 years to 10 years, the Air Force is expected to Guam Andersen Air Force Base to invest one billion U.S. dollars to two billion U.S. dollars of funds to expand the size of the base, which also reflects the Anderson Air Force Base in the Pacific region will become the most important U.S. air base.


Here the Spanish Discalced Augustinians took over the missions founded by Spanish and German Jesuits in the Ladrones, which now number 7 stations, with about 10,000 souls, on Guam and about 2500 on each of the German islands of Saipan, Rota, and Tinian.

在这里,西班牙Discalced奥古斯丁接管任务创办的西班牙语和德语中的耶稣Ladrones ,现在7号站,大约有10000灵魂,在关岛,大约每2500年的德国岛屿塞班岛,罗塔和天宁岛。

更多网络解释与关岛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

headed for a small coral island Beten Guam and the Philippines:分兵前往关岛及菲律宾的小型珊瑚岛

the 1st division shipped out again|第一师再次出海 | headed for a small coral island Beten Guam and the Philippines...|分兵前往关岛及菲律宾的小型珊瑚岛... | Peleliu.|贝里琉岛

Sekijima dementia paralytica tremor syndrome:关岛震颤麻痹痴呆综合征

Sejournet process 玻璃润滑剂高速挤压法 | Sekijima dementia paralytica tremor syndrome 关岛震颤麻痹痴呆综合征 | Sekur machine 斯库尔携带式硬度计

gu : Guam:关岛

gt : Guatemala , 危地马拉 | gu : Guam , 关岛 | gw : Guinea-Bissau , 几内亚比绍

gu : Guam:关岛 大洋洲

TM Turkmenistan土库曼斯坦 亚洲 | GU Guam关岛 大洋洲 | GY Guyana圭亚那 南美洲


'''关岛'''(Guam)是位於西[[太平洋]]的岛屿,关岛属[[美国]]领土. '''关岛'''(Guam)是位於西[[太平洋]]的岛屿,关岛属[[美国]]领土.

GUAM GU:关岛(西太平洋)

Florida FL 佛罗里达(美国州名) | Guam GU 关岛(西太平洋) | Hawaii HI 夏威夷, 夏威夷岛


斐济岛 Fiji Islands | 关岛(美) Guam,M.I. | 新喀里多尼亚群岛 New Caledonia Islands

Guam was quickly engorged by the Japanese:关岛也很快被日军占领

Wake fell into the enemy.|威克岛沦陷 | Guam was quickly engorged by the Japanese.|关岛也很快被日军占领 | The Japanese troops catched most lose-armed islands.|日军侵占岛屿如入无人之境

Guam Landowners Association:关岛土地拥有者协会

Guam Housing Corporation;关岛房屋建筑公司;; | Guam Landowners Association;关岛土地拥有者协会;; | Guam Legislature;关岛立法机构;;

Guam Government Marriage License:关岛政府牌照登记

Notary public 公证行公证 | Guam Government Marriage License 关岛政府牌照登记 | Marriage ceremony by Government Official or Pastor关岛高级官员或神父证婚