英语人>词典>汉英 : 共和国总统 的英文翻译,例句
共和国总统 的英文翻译、例句


Chief Executive
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After the ceremony, the chief executive of Circassia and other representatives attended to the cocktail party, during that Mr.


The chief executive of Circassia thanks all the three parties' cooperation in local investment, employment solution, and increase finance income.


In order that the Revolution should take place, it does not suffice that Montesquieu should foresee it, that Diderot should preach it, that Beaumarchais should announce it, that Condorcet should calculate it, that Arouet should prepare it, that Rousseau should premeditate it; it is necessary that Danton should dare it.


On Saturday, January 28, 1933, he had been abruptly dismissed by the aging President of the Republic, Field Marshal von Hindenburg.

年1 月28 日,星期六,年迈的共和国总统冯·兴登堡元帅突然免去了他的职务。

He says another big problem is that the president of Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus has also not signed.


Li said that President Medvedev of the Russian Federation, President of the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Croatia Gashparovic invited President Stipe Mesic, President Hu Jintao will be held June 14-20, held in Yekaterinburg to attend the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states the ninth meeting of the Council, and Russia, Slovakia and Croatia on a state visit.


After World War I in 1918, the Southern Slavic nations set up the Serbs - Croats - the Kingdom of Slovenes, renamed the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1929, Bosnia-Herzegovina is a part of it, is divided into several administrative provinces. In 1945, the peoples of Yugoslavia to achieve victory in the war against fascism, the establishment of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia (in 1963 renamed the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), Bosnia and Herzegovina to become a republic Yugoslav federation. In March 1992, Bosnia-Herzegovina held a referendum on the independence of the country, Bosniac and Croat in favor of independence, Serbs boycotting the vote, after which broke out between the three communities in Bosnia lasted three and a half of war. May 22, 1992, Bosnia-Herzegovina to join the United Nations. November 21, 1995 in the United States under the auspices of Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic, Croatian President Franjo Tudjman and Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic signed the Dayton peace agreement, end of the war in Bosnia.


If the President of the Republic is temporarily unable to discharge the duties of his office, he shall communicate this fact to the Marshal of the Sejm, who shall temporarily assume the duties of the President of the Republic.


The Marshal of the Sejm shall, until the time of election of a new Presidentof the Republic, temporarily discharge the duties of the President of the


Since then, the French Fifth Republic to replace the fourth generation of the Republic, France transition to a parliamentary system by the de facto presidential system. 12 general election period in 1958 was elected President of the Republic of the fifth, was re-elected in 1965 as president in 1966 announced that France fully withdraw from NATO, but remain a member of the Atlantic Alliance. In April 1969 on regional reform and the reform of the Senate by a referendum held in defeat, was forced to resign to return home to continue to write his memoirs. November 9, 1970 died.


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Elysee Palace:爱丽舍宫

巴黎(美联社)--尼古拉.萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)周三将正式接替希拉克(Jacques Chirac),入主爱丽舍宫(Elysee Palace),就任法国总统. 萨科齐在5月6日赢得法国总统大选,他将成为法兰西第五共和国的第六位总统.


爱国诗人冯.法勒斯勒本在北海之滨的赫耳果兰岛上写下>的歌词,采用了约瑟夫.海顿(Joseph Haydn)1797年所作曲"皇帝颂"乐谱. 1922年,魏玛共和国总统弗里德里希.艾伯特宣布此歌为魏玛共和国国歌. 后来纳粹德国篡改了此歌第一节的含义,

Marshall Islands:马绍尔群岛共和国

马绍尔群岛共和国(Marshall Islands)国会议长15日表示,现任总统汤敏彦(Litokwa Tomeing)将在下周面临上任以来第3度的不信任投票. 但在前总统诺特(Kessai Note)提出不信任案提议之际,汤敏彦正出访日本,预计将於16日返回马绍尔.


10月26日,共和国总统郑重地保证,绝对支持单一货币以及总理的选择:一切取决于"马斯特里赫特"(Maastricht)欧洲条约规定的标准. 昨天的迫切需要,阻止社会崩溃的需要,这一切都变得不重要了. 总之一句话:忘记了承诺,那就肯定不得人心.


名为"纪念"(Memorial)的俄罗斯知名人权组织表示,自从艾斯坦米诺娃遇害,该组织为了避免受害,已撤离在车臣的办公室,凡此均与克里姆林宫所任命的车 臣共和国总统卡迪罗夫(Ramzan Kadyrov)有关.

a necessary evil:无可避免的灾祸

turn out v. 打扫, 驱逐, 使外倾, 生产, 起床, 翻出, 制造, 关掉 | a necessary evil 无可避免的灾祸 | chief executive 共和国总统,州长


1:The government elections will be next month.政府选举将在下月举行. | 2:presidential总统[总裁、议长、董事长、校长]等(职务)的 | 3:republican(形容词)共和国的,共和党的;(名词)共和党人


1995.12.28:印古什共和国的首都迁移,从纳兹兰(Nazran')迁往马加斯(Magas). 1997年,车臣共和国地方政府将其首都格洛兹尼(Groznyy)更名为贾哈尔(Dzhokhar),以纪念1991-1996年在任的共和国总统杜达耶夫(Dzhokhar Dudayev),

President Hindenburg:兴登堡总统

柯立芝 John Calvin Coolidge | 兴登堡总统 President Hindenburg | 魏玛共和国 Weimar Republic

Tomas Masaryk:馬薩里克

他在布拉格接受一项任务,即为捷克共和国总统、哲学家马萨里克(Tomas Masaryk)作一幅肖像. 在马萨里克坐着被画像期间,考考斯卡同这位老政治家讨论17世纪摩拉维亚神学家夸美纽斯(John Amos Comenius)的哲学,他从年轻时就钦佩夸美纽斯的人道主义观点.