英语人>词典>汉英 : 共同一致性 的英文翻译,例句
共同一致性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与共同一致性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With VTP, VLAN configuration is consistently maintained across a common administrative domain.

在一个共同的管理领域内的 LAN 设定可以藉由 VTP 维持一致性。

The results from confirmatory factor analysis indicated:(1) The structural model of children's early mathematical ability was reasonable and it had good structural validity. In detail, children's early mathematical ability was explained by number, arithmetic, measurement, space/geometry and pattern;(2) The structure of children b early mathematical ability was stable across different ages but the structural model was not consistent completely;(3) Boys' structural model was identical with that of girls'.


He job of cache coherency is done partially by the hardware and partially by the operating system.


In these portion,the article begins the study of tone sandhi from the point view of two-character phrases and three-character phrases,which is also the focus and difficult point as well.On the basis of substantial materials of Dingzhou dialect,the author elaborates its rules and principles of tone sandhi of the general phrases and those with light tones,and reiterative location.the author puts his views as follows: 1.The rules of tone sandhi of two- character phrase are simple and unitive. 2.The complex of the phrase with light tones lies in the combination of the first tone and light tone.In the case,there are two different pronunciations in Dingzhou dialect.The author guesses it is the coexist of ancient pronunciations and common spoken Chinese. 3.The tone sandhi of general three-character phrases on the basis of the rules of that of two- character phrases,using the grammar structure of the three-character phrases as the restricted conduction,which function jointly. 4.The rules of tone sandhi of three- character phrases with light tones are restricted only by that of the two- character phrases with light tones and thus are foreign to grammar structure. 5.The tone sandhi of the words with reiterative location has their own system.


The use of common definitions would improve consistency and comparability among countries.


Former elders and deacons may be called together for consultation in what is known as the "Great Consistory".


After the establishment of Republic of China, the signification of Collection of nations was paid more attention to. For the expression of national relationship, there were different version such as nation monogenism and nation Assimilation, all are emphasized the monogenism and assimilation in genesis. In later 1930's, nation amalgamation became the main expression which focused on the amalgation of nations as well as the eguality. All the expression influenced each other and founded Chinese history and culture. Chinese nation has become the public cognition.


The different levels' perceptional dimensions of curriculum policy implementation have a common base.


Cicero and Augustine's theory of natural theology were both based upon Platonism in one hand, in other hand reflected the limitation of natural theology through different political philosophy view.


The research found it is common that the Sino-Tibetan languages have tetrasyllabic words, and show the high consistency ...


更多网络解释与共同一致性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


二、迁就(accommodating),即双方都合作,没有决断性 "不要产生动荡"是双方共同的信念. 双方都采取这种方式,似乎能达成某种一致性,但这并不是令人满意或者长久的一致. 这时双方都避免公开讨论自己真正的需要,所以,结果可能是一种虚假的一致.


COI | Central Office of Information (英国)中央新闻署 | coidentity | (两者或两者以上之间的)同一性,共同一致性 | coif | 头巾 盖以头巾, 戴紧帽


确保欧盟对外行动的"一致性"(consistency)和"连续性"(continuity)是>第3条的明确要求. 欧盟特有的"支柱型"(pillars)架构"先天性"地加深了共同外交与安全政策和欧共体对外政策之间的鸿沟. (43)第3条既表明了欧盟的忧虑,

Time inconsistency:時間不一致性

Kydland 和 Edward Prescott (2004年两人共同获诺贝尔奖)在1977年发表论文,第一次引入"时间不一致性"(time inconsistency)这个概念,说明政府必须要主动制定法律,"把自经济学家看待货币政策,一直有两种不同的视角.

group cohesiveness:群体内聚力

3.群体中的关键概念:群体内聚力(Group cohesiveness)即群体成员相互吸引及共同参与群体目标的程度. 成员之间的相互吸引力越强,群体目标与成员个人目标越一致,则我们说这个群体的内聚力程度越高. 以下是内聚力和群体与组织目标一致性程度的组合对生产率的影响: