英语人>词典>汉英 : 公证的 的英文翻译,例句
公证的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与公证的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

" "一个独立自由公证的国家

We need the services of an authorized Notary public .


After that the writer concludes that the lack of legal basis and practical basis makes the legal effect of notarization unhopeful.


Investigation shows that people have a more tolerant attitude towards the practice of notarizing property before marriage, especially among those with a medium or advanced education background with 46% bachelors "have or are planning to notarize the property before their marriage."


Investigation shows that people have a more tolerant attitude towards the practice of notarizing property before marriage, especially among those with a medium or advanced education background with 46% bachelors have or are planning to notarize the property before thei rmarriage.also, the investigation shows that in the past the property of the two parties were managed together, while today those to get married tend to keep part of their own property although there are some parts being managed by the two parties together.


Investigation shows that people have a more tolerant attitude towards the practice of notarizing property before marriage, especially among those with a medium or advanced education background with 46% bachelors have or are planning to notarize the property before thei rmarriage.also, the investigation shows that in the past the property of the two parties were managed together, while today those to get married tend to keep part of their own property although there are some parts being managed by the two parties together.


Investigation shows that people have a more tolerant attitude towards the prac tice of notarizing property before marriage, especially among those with a med ium or advanced education background with 46% bachelors have or are planning t o notarize the property before their marriage.also, the investigation shows th at in the past the property of the two parties were managed together, while to day those to get married tend to keep part of their own property although ther e are some parts being managed by the two parties together.


Both confirmations of the adress must be either originals or be notarized by a notary public;or certified by a bank,accountant,lawyer or member of the judiciary or senior civil servant,If certified should sign the copy document and clearly indicating his position or capacity on it together contact adress and phone NO.


In the case of a gift, the deed of gift notarised by a public notary organ shall be submitted.


Other factors in reviewing the auth enticity of electronic evidence.


更多网络解释与公证的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a civil marriage:(不举行宗教仪式的)世俗结婚;公证结婚

the civil service总称]文职人员;(军队以外的全部)行政机构 | a civil marriage(不举行宗教仪式的)世俗结婚;公证结婚 | commit to memory记住;牢记


关键词:公证 经济分析 强制性供给 公证(notary)一词来源于拉丁语nota一词. "nota"指的是古罗马......[摘要]本文从法律与经济有机统一的立场出发,运用经济学的基本原理和研究方法,特别是将经济学个人行为动机的几个基本假定:最大化行为、有限理性、稳定偏好、机会主义等,

public notary:公证

若有需要公证(public notary)的文件,也要尽早办理. 上述文件,最好能多影印几分,记得留一套备用的,交付给家人保管. 照片也应多带几张. 一些重要的联络住址、电话最好能做成小册. 大部份的超市在每个星期都会有许多的特价商品,以促销的方式推出.

notandum:备忘录; 值得注意的事项 (名)

notably 显著地, 特别地 (副) | notandum 备忘录; 值得注意的事项 (名) | notarial 公证人的; 公证的 (形)


notandum 备忘录 | notarial 公证的 | notarization 公证


notalin /桔霉素/ | notarial /公证人的/公证的/ | notarization /公证/

notarial:公证人的; 公证的 (形)

notandum 备忘录; 值得注意的事项 (名) | notarial 公证人的; 公证的 (形) | notarization 公证状; 公证人的证实 (名)


这时你要填一个W-7 表,再把他们的护照和签证复印公证,(NOTARIZE),把他们的名字写在税表的负担(denpendants)处填报,和你的小孩放在一起,一起寄到 国税局.


notarial deed 公证证书 | notarized 公证的 | notary 公证人

notarized contract:经公证的合同[契约]

经常项目[账户] current account | 经公证的合同[契约] notarized contract | 经海关盖章 under customs seal