英语人>词典>汉英 : 公开市场 的英文翻译,例句
公开市场 的英文翻译、例句


open market · market overt
更多网络例句与公开市场相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As an alternative Federal Reserve Chairman, I'd propose Dr. Jeffrey Lacker, the only FOMC member voting at their February meeting for an immediate FOMC purchase of government bonds.


As the main section of the open market business, the national debt market is the basis of open market operation of Central Bank.


Open up the secondary market should do the following: First, the main open market operation, market flow is horizontal, network-like, the market is open, frequent transactions.


However, the study based on the analysis of open market operation indicates that the relation between open market operation and monetary aggregate is certain, but the certain relation does not exist between open market operation and interest rate, and the uncertain relation between open market operation and interest rate comes from the uncertainty of IS curve's slope.


It is noticed that Chinese Central Bank has attached more importance to the function of open market operation in adjusting interest rate. The central bank, which buys and sells securities in capital market and signals the trend of interest ...


But in our insiders control transitional economy, because the shares of the companies with higher information asymmetry are overpriced, the possibility to use long term bank debt is low while if companies of this kind import long tern bank debt, the information asymmetry can be reduced. The benefit of monitoring exceeds the cost so that the corporate governance can be improved which will bring better corporate performance; shares of companies with lower information asymmetry do not get much overprice, the possibility of using long term bank debt of this kind of companies is higher while the benefit is smaller than the cost.


An auction is a public sale where goods are sold to the person who offers the highest price.


Suggestions about the selection of the objects were put forward:(1) ultimate object:change the present one of "stabilize the valuta hence propel the national economy" to "stabilize the finance, propel the national economy, realize high employment and maintain an international balance of payments";(2) intermediate object selection: attend to not onl...


REITs connects the market of real estate and stock, so the investors no longer need to spend large capital justto participate in the real estate market. Through securitize to detail to investment, and sell in public to decentralize the package. As well the benefit will be to vitalize the real estate market and their capital.


With a number of potential cross currents today from the Housing starts and permits report and the FOMC meeting, the gold trade looks to make a decision on whether to track the currency markets or the equity markets.


更多网络解释与公开市场相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

open market value:公开市场价值

"公开市场价值"(open market value) 指土地如由自愿卖家在公开市场卖出,即可合理地预期变现得到的款额;"收回日期"(date of resumption) 指土地根据第本条例第18(2)条复归政府或归属财政司司长法团之日;

open market value:公开市场价值;市值

open market 公开市场 | open market value 公开市场价值;市值 | open order 开仓订单

open market operation:公开市场操作(即央行在公开市场上买卖国债等债券)

contract紧缩boom膨胀(两者反义) | open market operation公开市场操作(即央行在公开市场上买卖国债等债券) | hyper inflation恶性通胀

suspending operations:公开市场操作暂停

reliance on open-market operations依赖公开市场操作 | suspending operations公开市场操作暂停 | suspend vi.to cause to stop for a period; interrupt暂行一段时期;中断

reliance on open-market operations:依赖公开市场操作

analyst n.分析家 | reliance on open-market operations依赖公开市场操作 | suspending operations公开市场操作暂停

reliance on open-market operations:依靠公开市场操作

reliance on open-market operations依靠公开市场操作 | suspending operations公开市场操作暂停 | suspend vi.to cause to stop for a period; interrupt暂行一段时期;中断

open market:公开市场

形成了三家对不同小麦品种期货交易的自然分工. 软红冬在芝加哥交易,硬红冬在堪萨斯城交易,硬红春和白麦在明尼阿波利斯交易. 小麦出口市场存在公开招标(Public Tender)、私下招标(Private Tender)、公开市场(Open Market)等三种方式.

open market operations:公开市场业务

公开市场业务(Open Market Operations) 公开市场业务是货币政策工具之一,指的是 中央银行在金融市场上买卖政府债券来控制货币供给和利率的政策行为,是目前多数发达 ...路透华盛顿2月17日电---国际货币基金组织(IMF)周三宣布,将开始根据去年宣布的一项计划 ,

open market operations:公开市场操作,公开市场经营

open market interest rate公开市场利率 | open market operations公开市场操作,公开市场经营 | open market purchase公开市场购回股份

open market operation:公开市场操作(即央行在公开市场上买卖国债等债券)

contract紧缩<->boom膨胀(两者反义) | open market operation公开市场操作(即央行在公开市场上买卖国债等债券) | hyper inflation恶性通胀