英语人>词典>汉英 : 公务部门 的英文翻译,例句
公务部门 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
service  ·  services  ·  serviced

更多网络例句与公务部门相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The new salary deal for railway workers will be a bench mark for pay settlements in the public sector.


NCTU e-Office System has been under developing for years. Almost every division on campus, i.e., accounting, bursar, admission, registrar, personnel, library, etc, has established its own e-Document system.


State-owned Cars: There are millions of state-owned cars, which consume over two hundred billion yuan every year. Only one-third of the money is used for official routine. And the cost of state-owned cars per ten thousand kilometers is higher than that of civil cars.


Also, it is the responsibility, obligation, and result, which the public administration substantiality should performance and assume in the process of public administration.


This paper, based on the theory of public corporation, illustra tes that the public university should be regarded as the third sector, and point s out that in the future the legal status of the public university should be det ermined as private corporation.


Greece's finance minister, George Papaconstantinou, says the main problem in his country's civil service is overmanning, not excessive pay: the right approach is to slow recruitment and allow the payroll to shrink as civil servants retire.


The official wharfs of such departments of customs, frontier defense and public security may not engage in port business operations.


If, apart from satisfying the need of official function, it is necessary for the said official wharfs to undertake port business activities in actual operation, they shall obtain the Permit for Port Operation and, shall accept the supervision and administration by the administrative department of port.


更多网络解释与公务部门相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


最重要的数据集之一是"中央行政领导(干部)档案室",这里保存着上二十世纪八十年代从民主德国(GDR)部长会议处收集的数据. 这些文件涉及大约700,000名个人,包括全体"职能"掌权人物以及民主德国高级公务员(但不包括全职公务人员、军官和安全部门),

participative management:参与管理

在不同的文化环境中,参与管理(participative management)的落实过程会有何差异?所面对的困境与可能的解决方案为何?在公务体系、私部门与第三部门中,参与管理的实行方式或实行策略有何不同?公务体系如何透过参与管理来增强员工或部属的工作满意度与工作的绩效表现?