英语人>词典>汉英 : 公共建设工程 的英文翻译,例句
公共建设工程 的英文翻译、例句


public works
更多网络例句与公共建设工程相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So did the ability to fund public works in rural areas that were still the LDP's base.


The National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 appropriated $25 million to the Public Works Program of the Department of the Interior for the development of subsistence homesteads aimed "at a redistribution of population in the interest of providing greater economic stability and a higher standard of living for working men's families."

1933年《国家工业复苏法案》(The National Industrial Recovery Act)拨款24,000,000美元注入内政部公共设施建设工程,为生活家园发展助力,该工程目标是"通过为工作者家庭提供更稳定的经济条件和更优越的生活条件,来吸引人口重新分配"。

It includes spending on public works projects and aid to American states, cities and citizens.


A certain amount of public works — of streets and roads and bridges and tunnels, of armories and navy yards, of buildings to house legislatures, police and fire departments—is necessary to supply essential public services.


The National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 appropriated $25 million to the Public Works Program of the Department of the Interior for the development of subsistence homesteads aimed "at a redistribution of population in the interest of providing greater economic stability and a higher standard of living for working men's families."

1933年《国家工业复苏法案》(The National Industrial Recovery Act)拨款24,000,000美元注入内政部公共设施建设工程,为生活家园发展助力,该工程目标是&通过为工作者家庭提供更稳定的经济条件和更优越的生活条件,来吸引人口重新分配&。

Around the world, carmakers have lobbied for support, and some have got it.


Hearings on Public Works for Power and Energy Research Appropriation Bill, 1977, before a Subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations, 94th Cong., 2d Sess., pt.


Hearings on Public Works for Water and Power Development and Energy Research Appropriation Bill, 1976, before a Subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations, 94th Cong., 1st Sess., pt.


Hearings on Public Works for Water and Power Development and Energy Research Appropriation Bill, 1976, before a Subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations, 94th Cong., 1st Sess., pt.


Our model for social security took inspiration from Bismarck's Germany, state planning from the Soviet Union, public works from the Tennessee Valley Authority, automobile assembly and manufacturing from Ford.


更多网络解释与公共建设工程相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

detailed plan:城市详细规划

城市详细规划(detailed plan)是以城市总体规划或分区规划为依据,对一定时期内城市局部地区的土地利用、空间环境和各项建设用地所作的具体安排,是按城市总体规划要求,对城市局部地区近期需要建设的房屋建筑、市政工程、公用事业设施、园林绿化、城市人防工程和其它公共设施作出具体布置的规划.

enzootic:地方性动物病 <单词词性>地方性动物病的

public works 公共建设工程 | enzootic 地方性动物病 地方性动物病的 | epicnemium 胸腹侧片

the New Komeito Party:新公明党

综合外电12月8日报道,日本政府连同自民党(the Liberal Democratic Party)和新公明党(the New Komeito party)的执政联盟8日表示,已同意给地方政府1万亿日圆新补贴的方案,用于地方的公共工程建设.

be poles asunder as wide as the poles apart:相差很远, 截然相反, 南辕北辙

reecho 再反回响 使回响 回响, 回声 | be poles asunder as wide as the poles apart 相差很远, 截然相反, 南辕北辙 | public works 公共建设工程

public works:公共工程

在这些措施的带动下,日本银行机构的坏债问题得到了缓解,资本充足度也提高了;在日本各地,到处可见大大小小的建设工程,平民百姓也知道政府在实施"公共工程"(public works).

public works:公共建设工程

be poles asunder as wide as the poles apart 相差很远, 截然相反, 南辕北辙 | public works 公共建设工程 | enzootic 地方性动物病 地方性动物病的

