英语人>词典>汉英 : 八戒 的英文翻译,例句
八戒 的英文翻译、例句


eight commandments
更多网络例句与八戒相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tang Seng Monkey King, from Antimasque and沙僧and his party came to the four after undergoing untold hardships Shache city *Go here


Autumn setting pegged the horizon, a rebel hearts miss Tim; Lonely Chang'e air time dance Antimasque anyone sit back; I Curative days I can form a thousand miles can also Chan.


Lonely Chang'e air time dance Antimasque anyone sit back


There are 4 figures who are dressed in cassocks walking one after another in the mountain woods under sunshine. These strongly resemble the four characters in Journey to the West-Tang Seng, Sha Seng, Zhu Ba-jie and Sun Wu Kong.


On the way going on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures in go on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures, they have come across diabolic seductive the White Bone Demon and spider essence , the stubborn mischievous bad successful child , Gothish cattle Prince of the Devils, have been clever iron fan princess having scheming,...


China sweltered as the mercury soared across 13 provinces Wednesday, with temperatures topping 42℃ in the capital cities of Shijiazhuang and Zhengzhou, prompting the National Meteorological Center to activate its orange-level heat warning.


The competition with the past "The Pig back-law," not the same as to require entry of the play "The Pig" and "wife" in the basketball court, running backs rotation.


At last,I want to explain why does Piggie has only 36 changes.


At last,I want to explain why does Piggie has only 36 changes.


In the Story of a Journey to the West,Piggie's master is not mentioned,but I guess he must be the founder of Taoism.


更多网络解释与八戒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


*addicted adj. 沉溺的,上瘾的 | 给猪八戒,遭到高小姐的admonish. | advance v. 提出;前进


--xiaohema:小河马 | -- beno:八戒(gg) | -- bluecandy: 广寒仙子(mm)


Bear Thief 开始时要吃老龟的那个莫西干头的熊? | Oolong乌龙(八戒) | ChiChi琪琪

eight colored pennants:八色幡

eight cold hells 八寒冰地狱, 八寒地狱 | eight colored pennants 八色幡 | eight commandments 八不可越法, 八不可过法, 八敬戒, 八敬法


时白云有二巨头:师兄猪八戒(piggy)和万一(laomeng),猪八 戒多年以后改为专为白云新手发银子的管家,而万一终于逃 到了山上当起了道士. 犹记得八戒师兄看了咱两眼,问道:新 手我?赶紧问花无情怎么回答?花无情道:reply,他会给你钱.


有不戒(zdl),云中鹤(wangl),花无情(hwq),幻 (huan),小文(oop),燕(hxy),熊啦啦(marry),郭哈哈(gha),剑王(tan),柳十八(fox) ,猪八戒(piggy)等. 我刚进来时,当时的盟主是紫云(jasmine),每日只是静坐于风云雅阁,从未见她涉足江湖.

think of:想到

因为高小姐身上有猴子的味道(smell of),猪八戒怀疑(suspect of)她就是大闹天宫的孙猴子. 这时,猪八戒突然想到(think of)菩萨的话,说自己厌倦了(tired of)妖精生活,愿意保唐僧取经,孙悟空警告(warn)猪八戒(of)不要再犯色戒.

Tired of:厭倦了

因为高小姐身上有猴子的味道(smell of),猪八戒怀疑(suspect of)她就是大闹天宫的孙猴子. 这时,猪八戒突然想到(think of)菩萨的话,说自己厌倦了(tired of)妖精生活,愿意保唐僧取经,孙悟空警告(warn)猪八戒(of)不要再犯色戒.


孙悟空 monkey king | 猪八戒 piggie | 沙和尚 sha monk

eight commandments:八不可越法, 八不可過法, 八敬戒, 八敬法

eight colored pennants 八色幡 | eight commandments 八不可越法, 八不可过法, 八敬戒, 八敬法 | eight consciousnesses 八识