英语人>词典>汉英 : 全长地 的英文翻译,例句
全长地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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A trickle[1] of trucks flows along its single-lane carriageway, which stretches for less than 1km.

在这条全长不到 1 公里的单车道上,仅稀稀拉拉地行驶着几辆卡车。

Atrickle[1]of trucks flows along its single-lane carriageway, which stretches for less than 1km.


Results The reconstructed results successfully reappeared three dimensional structure of fasciculus inside the sciatic nerve and showed the topographic anatomy of every nerve fascicle and its relationship in arbitrary sections, and presented patterns of complicated recombination of nerve bundles in the whole length.

结果 三维重建真实地再现坐骨神经内部各神经束的三维立体结构,并可显示坐骨神经中神经束的任意断面及其全长的解剖结构与相互关系,形象地展示坐骨神经内部神经束的复杂重组过程。

It is embodied concretely:(1) With the adoption of grouting bolts, the cranny in wall rocks can be blocked up, the air can be isolated, the wall rocks can be prevented to be weatherized and make water, the strength of wall rocks can also be avoided to be lowered;(2) The lax broken wall rocks are commentated to a whole by liquid after they were grouted and the rock"s strength is increased, so the wall rocks become a part of the support structure by using itself and become a whole with the original rock, and the roadway is made to keep stable but not easy to be broken;(3) The spray layer wall are filled with liquid after grouting, the stress is avoided to be concentrated because the load could be evenly acted on the spray layer and the support;(4) The pressure acted on the plank can be delivered to the two sidepieces and then to the bottom by reinforcing the sidepiece; At the same time, the concentration degree of loads acted on the motherboard can be weaken because of the enlargement of the combination arch"s thickness, as result, the rock"s stress is lowered and the heaving is alleviated;(5) The common bolt is made to be fixed the whole length after grouting, the layers are connected to a integral whole and bear the weight of loads, so the support structure"s unity is increased.


The full length CD19 gene in vaccinia virus system was successfully expressed.


Atrickle[1]of trucks flows along its single-lane carriageway, which stretches for less than 1km.


And 1993 . In this thesis, we, for the first time, successfully isolated the full-length cDNA for the ECP 63, an embryogenic cell protein, from carrot (Daucus carota L.).

为实验材料,首次成功地分离了ECP63 cDNA全长,并以此cDNA为探针对其在体细胞胚胎发生和合子胚胎发生过程中的基因表达进行了深入的研究。

Capitata L., were dispersed along the chromosome lengths, with a predominant distribution in the pericentromeric or proximal regions and some heterochromatic arms.


Put sealed heat sleeve on the surface of insulated layer by pyrocondensation along the whole busbar to prevent radiation, freezing, dew, frost and the rains.


By Nothern blot, this gene band located between 1383-1908bp maker, length of which was same with different gene obtained by subtractive hybridization. The results showed that the obtained wnt6 gene was a cDNA fragment with full open reading frame, which could be useful for further studies.


更多网络解释与全长地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Milk And Honey:奶与蜜之地

全长约630公里的拉让江若与上述的河流相比其实是小河,短期内不可能出现断流现像,但长期而言是否有一天会面临新月沃地(Fertile Crescent)从流奶与蜜之地(Milk and Honey)成为沙漠地带?

pyrex glass:派热克斯玻璃

该研究团队的聚合物晶片是夹在两片派热克斯玻璃(pyrex glass)晶圆之间,并以一宽200 μm的混合通道连接雷射共振器. 这种染料雷射的增益介质是以酒精稀释的rhodamine 6G溶液. 由於晶片的尺寸很小(全长约50 mm),酒精与染料得以快速而准确地混合,

urinalysis:[医]尿分析, 验尿

endlong 纵, 直立, 全长地 | urinalysis [医]尿分析, 验尿 | auger cover 螺旋推运器外壳

endlong:纵, 直立, 全长地

go on the bat 狂欢, 纵酒取乐 | endlong 纵, 直立, 全长地 | urinalysis [医]尿分析, 验尿


endlichite 砷钒铅矿 | endlong 全长地 | endmostextremitalterminational 末端的


endlichite /砷钒铅矿/ | endlong /纵/全长地/直立/ | endmost /末端的/


过去两年,要求全长(LOA)8.5米以上的船才具参赛资格,今年,全长(LOA)不短于8米的单体船即可报名参赛. 这极大地增强了中国杯的吸引力. 世界著名船队和顶级选手参赛,赛事竞争激烈程度大增. 今年的参赛船队中有不少实力强劲的船队.