英语人>词典>汉英 : 全球公民 的英文翻译,例句
全球公民 的英文翻译、例句


global citizen
更多网络例句与全球公民相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But the burdens of global citizenship continue to bind us together.


However, no matter liberal democratic global democracy、cosmopolitism democracy or grass-rooted democracy, every global democracy mode puts forward that we had better consider global democracy as the process of working together of states, global civil society and global market, in which every part must overcome its own limitations, manage the conflicts and fights in the cooperating coexistence in order to form a interactive relationship.


Neil Perry is one of the very few chefs whom I would consider to be a gastronomic 'global citizen.


Today I want to discuss with you about the environment protection and how to become a qualified global citizen.


China is on course to become a modern market economy and a responsible global citizen.


There is an undercurrent of global labor movement which I think will lead the rise of 'Global Citizen'.


So I think the sentence of Global Citizenship begins at home means that everyone should be the global citizen ,should take the responsibility to protect our mother land .


This part outlines the theory of the relationship between "global civil society" and state sovereignty, circling the three dimensions of Theory of International Politics, Theory of Global Governance and Harbermas Sovereignty Ending Theory.


This part also points out that global civil society is an outcome of relationships transformation between state and society, which renewedly advances the theory reconstruction of this relationship.


For me,it's well that Obama posed "change".There is an old saying that goes"eprivation leads to changes, changes in turn lead to finding a way out, and in turn becomes sustainable",that is,we should discard the old thinking model,and do our own thing well,and actively involved in responding to global issues, and to be responsible global citizens, and build a nice and harmonious "One World" in the future(by confucious,the utopia humanrace is longing for).


更多网络解释与全球公民相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


他一方面强调"跨越"(across)边界不是"超越" (beyond)边界,另一方面又强调"跨国民主"不是把"跨国"(不管是世界主义的世界政府还是"跨国民主"的公民社会或全球公共领域)单纯地理解为民主的工具或手段,而是对于民主理想本身具有构成性的.


他一方面强调"跨越"(across)边界不是"超越" (beyond)边界,另一方面又强调"跨国民主"不是把"跨国"(不管是世界主义的世界政府还是"跨国民主"的公民社会或全球公共领域)单纯地理解为民主的工具或手段,而是对于民主理想本身具有构成性的.

Government and Civics:政府和公民意识

History 历史 | Government and Civics政府和公民意识 | Global awareness 全球意识

new comer:新来者

从跨国公司在上个世纪和本世纪初的发展史来看,企业在获得软实力的过程中,通常会依次经历四个阶段:不知名企业(Unknown)、新来者(New Comer)、企业公民(Corporate Citizen)和全球明星(Global Attractor).



business ethics:商业伦理

二OOO年,>(Business Ethics)杂志更将P&G 评选为全球100 大最佳企业公民前五名:许多学者专家在写教科书或参考书时更常以P&G 为范例,认为P&G 除此之外,P&G 对人才的重视在业界也是出了名的,为了激发员工的向心力与认同感,

Global Citizen Award:全球公民奖

Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Sport for Development and Peace,秘书长体育促进发展与和平特别顾问,... | Global Citizen Award,全球公民奖,, | Web of Information for Development,发展信息网,WIDE...

When a global citizen immigrants to the Moon:当全球公民移民到月球

It is a magnificent achievement这是一个宏伟的成就 | When a global citizen immigrants to the Moon当全球公民移民到月球 | It is a magnificent achievement这是一个宏伟的成就

global solidarity:全球团结

他认为,全球化使社会经济日益国际化,劳动者的利益也日益国际化,在这种情况下,劳动者应当建立"新国际主义"(The New Internationalism)组织,推行新的社会运动,实现"全球团结"(global solidarity)促成"全球公民社会"(global civil society)的形成,

this could be maybe the greatest hoax ever perpetrated:这也是对美国的公民

Even if humans were causing global warming, and we are not,|就算人类是在造成全球变暖 尽... | this could be maybe the greatest hoax ever perpetrated|这也是对美国的公民 | on the American people.|一次最大的...