英语人>词典>汉英 : 入选者 的英文翻译,例句
入选者 的英文翻译、例句


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Of New York University our seventh pick is another example of someone who is au fait with behavioural economics but not defined by it.

纽约大学的Xavier Gabaix——我们的第7位入选者——便是精通行为经济学却并不受其局限的一个代表。

Among the candidates are two Oscar veterans, two newcomers (Mulligan, a Brit beguiler in her first starring movie role, and Sidibe, who had never gone for so much as an audition before testing for Precious) and the wild card: Bullock, who matches Jeff Bridges for likability but has never been nominated for an Oscar before.


The game was voted Best Handheld Game at the 2006 Spike TV Video Game Awards and Best Nintendo DS Game by GameSpot,[49] and it won Best Platformer awards from X-Play and Nintendo Power. The game was awarded Choice Video Game at the 2006 Teen Choice Awards, Nintendo Game of the Year at the 2006 Golden Joystick Award, and placed 30th in Official Nintendo Magazine's 100 greatest Nintendo games of all time.


Selected in the therapy Jiangtang sulfonylurea or insulin at the same time daily service in accordance with that Previn 1 0 mg / day at the second serve, the Observation 5-7 days ≥ 90mmHg diastolic blood pressure drugs increased EN who 20mg / day Second serve points.

入选者在胰岛素或磺脲类降糖治疗同时每日服依那普列1 0 mg/日分二次服,观察5—7天舒张压≥90mmHg者EN药量增至20mg/日分二次服。

The Organizers reserve the right to disqualify any entries which use uncleared samples. Neither Organizers nor GoYeah.com shall be responsible for any use of uncleared samples.


Thank you for organising this fair and professional woodcraft competition. Since last year, I have noticed that this competition has become more focusing on creativity than carrying out traditional styles. Other than organising a public exhibition for the winning artworks, the fact that we have internationally recognised judges also strengths my determination in taking part in this event.


All subjects recieved the test of Two-Dimensional echocardiography and PW-TDI.3.1 LV end-diastolic diameters, RV end-diastolic diameters and inter-ventricular septum and posterior wall thicknesses were measured from the parasternal long-axis projection. LV end-systolic and diastolic volumes,RV end-systolic and diastolic volumes were obtained from the

所有入选者均行常规二维超声和组织多普勒超声心动图检查 3.1 常规二维超声心动图(two-dimensional echocardiography,2D)检查:采用胸骨旁左室长轴切面M型测量左室舒张末期前后径、右室舒张末期前后径、室间隔厚度、左室后壁厚度;心尖四腔、二腔切面面积勾画法分别测量左室、右室舒张末期容量和收缩末期容量并计算左室

We have sifted the 50 down to eight, all of whom received their PhDs in the past ten years.


Subjects who had taking iodine-containing preparations or thyroid hormone were also excluded.2.2 MethodsSerum levels of triiodothyronine ( T3 ), thyroxine ( T4 ), free triiodothyronine ( FT3 ), free thyroxine ( FT4 ) and thyrotropin were determined by immunochemiluminometric assay for ninety-fifth patients with atrial fibrillation and one hundred and thirty nine controls matched for age and sex.2.3 StatisticsAll statistical procedures were performed with SPSS 10.0 software package.

同时根据甲状腺功能指标的测定把心房颤动患者分为①正常组:TSH、FT3和 FT4水平均正常②甲状腺功能亢进组:TSH水平降低,FT3和 FT4水平升高③亚临床甲状腺功能亢进组:TSH水平降低,FT3和 FT4正常。2.2方法入选者于清晨空腹静脉取血 2 ml,采用免疫化学发光法分别测定血清中的三碘甲状腺原氨酸(T3)、甲状腺激素(T4)、游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸(FT3)。

To assess the relationships of blood pressure level and circadian pattern with leukoaraiosis, we obtained 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure recordings and brain magnetic resonance images in 343 white and 267 black adults who were members of sibships that had 2 siblings with essential hypertension.
