英语人>词典>汉英 : 入港 的英文翻译,例句
入港 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
haven  ·  havened  ·  havening  ·  havens

enter port · arrival at port · in full agreement · in perfect harmony
更多网络例句与入港相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What is happening today is there is a delay in the clearance of the imports into China...it is taking more time than usual to clear customs and the port due to the analysis, he said.


The wind rose, and from a fresh breeze it soon increasedto a regular gale; that is to say, it acquired a speed of from forty toforty-five miles an hour, before which a ship in the open sea would haverun under close-reefed topsails.


The wind rose, and from a fresh breeze it soon increasedto a regular gale; that is to say, it acquired a speed of from forty toforty-five miles an hour, before which a ship in the open sea would haverun under close-reefed topsails. Now, as it was nearly six o'clock when the"Bonadventure" reached the gulf, and as at that moment the tide turned, itwas impossible to enter.


Iron-clad buildings line the streets, and emergency fire escapes stick out of the houses as if they were the stairs of a ship about to dock in a harbor.


Your job is to pilot the ship in to the harbor.


If the elite live in virtual exile, seeing Mumbai as a port of departure, the city teems with millions of migrants who see it as the opposite — a mesmeric port of arrival, offering what the mainland doesn't: a chance to invent oneself, to break destiny.


My vessel is healthy and I request free pratique.


2Notice of readiness shall be tendered by fax/e-mail during office hours between 8:00 and 17:00 Monday to Friday whether vessel in port or not, whether vessel in berth or not, whether vessel has been customs cleared or not, whether vessel has been granted free pratique


Whenever a new shipload of oriental porcelain reached a European port, the elector was overjoyed, but his ministers trembled.


The port of Newcastle, the largest coal export terminal in the southern hemisphere, was hit this year by freak weather that left 70 ships queuing off the coastline when the bulk carrier Pasha Bulker ran aground.

作为南半球最大的煤炭出口港,纽卡斯尔港今年受到了反常气候的影响。散货船Pasha Bulker在该港口搁浅,导致70艘船排队等待入港

更多网络解释与入港相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bill of entry:入港报关单

bill of entry 报税单 | bill of entry 入港报关单 | bill of exchange 汇票

bill of entry:入港报表, 报税通知书

bill of dishonon 拒付支票 | bill of entry 入港报表, 报税通知书 | bill of exchange 汇票

harbor dues:入港税

equipment leasing,设备租赁 | harbor dues,入港税 | hire,租用


exult 大喜,耀武扬威 | embargo 禁止入港,禁止,阻碍 | embark 乘船; 从事,著手

Entrance fee:入港手续费

dutiable goods 应纳税的货物 | entrance fee 入港手续费 | evasion of duty 逃税

sail in:入港

sail in ballast 压载航行 | sail in 入港 | sail large 顺风驶帆

sneaked into Hong Kong by sea:从海路偷渡入港

身怀猎枪偷渡来港 sneak into the SAR with a shotgun | 从海路偷渡入港 sneaked into Hong Kong by sea | 不停打喷嚏 sneeze non-stop

harbor due:入港稅商業稅捐

5929入場費娛樂舞蹈admission; cover charge | 5930入場費餐食吃經cover charge | 5931入港稅商業稅捐harbor due

port charge:入港税

port authority 港务局 | port charge 入港税 | port of discharge 卸货港

port duty:入港税

port 港口,港市 | port duty 入港税 | port of arrival 到达港