英语人>词典>汉英 : 入夜的 的英文翻译,例句
入夜的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与入夜的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Across the sea a pale moon rises The ships have come to carry you home. Dawn will turn to silver glass A light on the water All souls pass. Hope fades into the world of night through shadows falling out of memory and time. Don't say,"We have come now to the end." White shores are calling you and I will meet again. And you'll be here in my arms Just sleeping. What can can you see on the horizon?


Across the sea a pale moon rises The ships have come to carry you home. Dawn will turn to silver glass A light on the water All sos pass. Hope fades into the world of night through shadows falling out of memory and time. Don't say,"We have come now to the end." White shores are calling you and I will meet again. And you'll be here in my arms Just sleeping. What can can you see on the horizon?


A6: It is the perfect spot for upscale parties and exclusive events under the stars with features such as a dance floor and a DJ booth incorporated in the layout.

Fez 吧功能多样,既是享用餐前鸡尾酒的理想选择,亦可供餐后小酌,或在入夜后与三五好友相聚,与业务伙伴密谈。

At night, Qiuchong endless calls of suspected Choice Sabian earth.


At dusk and nightfall , the waxing crescent moon and the dazzling planet Jupiter couple up together in the southern sky .


Objective: To evaluate the protective ability of vaccinia virus vectored multi-epito pe live vaccine candidate for plasmodium falciparumin experimental anim als, and to lay foundation for next testing on Aotus sp.

摘 要 目的:探讨恶性疟原虫保护性抗原复合基因-痘苗病毒重组活疫苗候选株在实验动物的抗疟原虫攻击能力,为下一步进入夜猴及人体试验奠定基础。

How can I then return in happy plight That am debarred the benefit of rest?


The moon lurks low in your southwest sky, and sets about one hour after nightfall.


At night, when the tenements were stifling hot, men, women and little children slept in the parks.


But, as roarings of rather a suspiciousnature had been heard during the evening, a good fire was made up for thenight, so as to protect the sleepers with its crackling flames.


更多网络解释与入夜的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"幻象"(Mirage)酒店,门外是一大片高低承接的瀑布,水面伴有几只跃起的海豚像,真符合酒店的"海市蜃楼"名字的含意. 但一入夜后,每15至30分钟表演一次的"火山爆发",只见赤烈的火焰自瀑布顶端喷发出来,火山熔岩落入水中,一时间,


nightcap 睡帽 | nightclothes 睡衣 | nighted 入夜的

But is there for the night a resting-place:但是入夜是否有一个休息之所

Form morn to night, my friend. 朋友,从晨到晚. | But is there for the night a resting-place? 但是入夜是否有一个休息之所? | A roof there fore the slow hark hours begin. 漫长的黑暗时光来临有一个屋檐....






nightclothes 睡衣 | nighted 入夜的 | nightfall 黄昏