英语人>词典>汉英 : 兑付支票 的英文翻译,例句
兑付支票 的英文翻译、例句


cash a check
更多网络例句与兑付支票相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to the Authorization Center's rule of the American Express Card


The lottery ticket draws a prizewinning ticket the bonus to by the Renminbi cash or cash check form disposable cashing, cannot outside Renminbi other currency cashing, not be able in kind cashing, not to cash many times by stages; The paper namely opens the lottery ticket to present the face value incompletely, to exchange the prize area duplicate tectorial membrane not to be able to blow, not exchanges questions and so on prize mark, because the computer lottery ticket suffers injury, reasons and so on tarnish to cause to be unable to distinguish correctly, is the invalid lottery ticket, does not give exchanges the prize; Any unit and individual the no violation whatsoever will permitted winner wish, by any reason and way advising, tempts, forces the winner to donate draws a prizewinning ticket the bonus; Without the winner written consent, any unit or individual do not to the social public winner name, the address, the telephone, the ID card number, the phantom and so on individual information.


When a bank makes a payment on a check, it cancels the check. That is, it marks the check with some kind of stamp so that the check cannot be used again.

当银行兑付支票时要予以注销,也就是 www.8ttt8.com 说,银行要用某种戳记盖在支票上,支票就不会再使用了。

更多网络解释与兑付支票相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

American Express Card:美国运通卡

1980年4月中国银行与香港美国运通公司签定代办"美国运通卡"(American Express Card)兑付私人支票业务协议书,国内开办运通卡兑付私人支票业务. 1981年7月中国银行与日本株式会社东京银行和日本株式会社百万信用卡服务公司签署代办"百万信用卡"(Million Card)业务协议书,

not negotiable:不可转让的

(三)没有抬头人(Pay to the order of或Pay to......or order)或注明"不可转让的"(Not negotiable)旅行支票当然不能转让,只能由持票人向银行兑付. 有抬头人的旅行支票,按理是可以转让的,但应谨慎处理. 如受让人是我国企业的,

back a check:负责付款,背书支票

back a bill ==> 负责兑付票据 | back a check ==> 负责付款,背书支票 | back a cheque ==> 负责付款