英语人>词典>汉英 : 光辉灿烂 的英文翻译,例句
光辉灿烂 的英文翻译、例句


shine with great splendor · glittering radiant
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China has vast coastal frontier and more than 6500 different area islands in which charming landscape, golden sand beach,pure air and rich cultural, architectural and historical site conld be experienced.


Nevertheless, without going into the minutiae of the business, the eloquent fact remained that the sea was there in all its glory and in the natural course of things somebody or other had to sail on it and fly in the face of providence though it merely went to show how people usually contrived to load that sort of onus on to the other fellow like the hell idea and the lottery and insurance which were run on identically the same lines so that for that very reason if no other lifeboat Sunday was a highly laudable institution to which the public at large, no matter where living inland or seaside, as the case might be, having it brought home to them like that should extend its gratitude also to the harbourmasters and coastguard service who had to man the rigging and push off and out amid the elements whatever the season when duty called Ireland expects that every man and so on and sometimes had a terrible time of it in the wintertime not forgetting the Irish lights, Kish and others, liable to capsize at any moment, rounding which he once with his daughter had experienced some remarkably choppy, not to say stormy, weather.


A bright, a glorious smile passed over her face, and she said, brokenly,-- O!


Yet the Middlesex Cattle Show goes off here with éclat (8) annually, as if all the joints of the agricultural machine were suent.


Yet the Middlesex Cattle Show goes off here with eclat annually, as if all the joints of the agricultural machine were suent.


With a long history, Zhengzhou is a national famous historical and cultural city ratified by the State Council.


Face the unprecedented opportunity and challenges, be the university student the study English means to control a language, mean increased for oneself a pair of can at and at that time understand the world of eye, mean once and opportunity of outside exchanges, we can use English toward world to introduce the Chinese splendid history culture at the same time, letting the world promote the understanding to China, also promoting the China and comity between other nations of worlds.


This great performance was a brilliant distillation of 5,000 years of glorious history.


It is based on female's experiences and their responses to life, affirming self value, rebuilding self consciousness of females, getting back their social status and praising their contributions to society and culture. This thesis is going to analyze 3 major novels of Margaret Drabble which are created at different times during the second feminist movement: A Summer Bird-Cage, The Radiant Way and The Middle Ground.


We all know what were its achievements in poetry and prose; but there are some indications, it should be remarked, that, besides its efflorescence in ornamental literature, it was on the eve of throwing out new aptitude for conquest in physical science.


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Autumn Crocus:秋水仙

9月21日 秋水仙(Autumn Crocus) 花语:青春无悔 花占卜:你拥有一段光辉灿烂的青春时光,带点野性及反叛的行为,不愿成为随波逐流的潮流跟风者. 你天性多疑,凡事必先经过认真考虑,才会付诸行动,加上你对人冷傲,总有患得患失的心态,尽管如此,

Bert:伯特 英国 光辉灿烂;全身散发出荣耀和光辉的人

Bernie 伯尼 条顿 像熊一般勇敢. | Bert 伯特 英国 光辉灿烂;全身散发出荣耀和光辉的人. | Berton 伯顿 英国 勤俭治产之人.

An Arctic effulgence flaring on the frame:北极光辉灿烂地燃烧在骨架

On flames. The scholar of one candle sees 火焰冲天. 就着烛光那学... | An Arctic effulgence flaring on the frame 北极光辉灿烂地燃烧在骨架 | Of everything he is. And he feels afraid. 他所在之中. 他开始感到...


refulgent 辉煌的, 灿烂的 | effulgent 光辉灿烂的 | indigent 贫乏的, 穷困的

effulgent:光辉灿烂的 (形)

effulgence 光辉; 灿烂 (名) | effulgent 光辉灿烂的 (形) | effuse 泻出; 散发; 流出 (动)


get down to sth. 认真研究 get down to +名词/动名词 | glorious 光辉灿烂的 | rub 难题

vier:赛维尔 西班牙 新房子的主人,光辉灿烂

ythe,伟兹,法国,小战士. | vier,赛维尔西班牙新房子的主人,光辉灿烂. | Yale,耶鲁,古英国来自边陲地带.

And all the night ashine:光辉灿烂彻夜明

And though the skies are crowded尽管满天繁星 | And all the night ashine光辉灿烂彻夜明 | I do not care about it我却丝毫不关心


PRINCE Parts Reliability Information Center 零件可靠性情报中心([美]NASA) | overbrilliant 过分光辉灿烂的,过于华丽的 | adrenolutine 肾上腺黄素