英语人>词典>汉英 : 光芒四射的 的英文翻译,例句
光芒四射的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与光芒四射的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The goddess bilabial shuts tightly, the head wears the light shining in all directions the royal crown, wears Rome ancient times the long gown, the right hand lifts up high is 12 meters torches.


All these colored belts blending smoothly make a wall of light ineffably fine, and as beautiful as a rainbow, yet firm as adamant.


Social butterflies who shine at parties may get their edge from special genes that make them experts at recognizing faces.


He asked the radiant being,"Sir, tell me, what is love "


Radiant seraglio! from the blue countries height


If that message can appear inside of the ubiquitous 'starburst', all the better.


It's the sylphlike club hostess Vicky, whose radiant smile and dimples are like all the lights in the room being fired up simultaneously.

它是 sylphlike 俱乐部女主人Vicky,光芒四射的微笑和起波纹是象所有光在屋子里被同时地射击。

And afterwords, in radiant garments dressed


Okay, we haven't got an out-and-out brilliant left-sided player but Joe Cole has shown he can play there.


From late August through mid-October, it will be your time to shine!


更多网络解释与光芒四射的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


过不了多久,一颗光芒四射的黄色亮星"大角"(Arcturus)就要从东方升起,它是牧夫座(Bootes)的主星,亮度达0.04等,是全天第四亮星. 它将在春季星空中唱主角. 它和室女座(Virgo)主星角宿一(Spica,亮度0.97,排名15),快就会燃尽,

At the foot of its beams:阳光的末梢

where it rises in its beauty. 太阳正在缓缓升起,光芒四射 | At the foot of its beams 阳光的末梢 | she stands,adoring, 她站在那里,甚是欢喜

Then shall I awake to the primitive fervour:于是,我从初次的狂热中惊醒

Too much hymen desired by who seeks the Ia: 不知不觉地全... | Then shall I awake to the primitive fervour, 于是,我从初次的狂热中惊醒, | Straight and alone, 'neath antique floods of light, 孤立于光芒四射...

Leaving Las Vegas:两颗绝望的心

尼古拉斯.凯奇与万宝龙 尼古拉斯.凯奇是最光芒四射的当代影坛巨星之一,以卓越的才华及变化多端的精湛演技备受推崇,银幕魅力迷倒了万千影迷,1996年以>(Leaving Las Vegas) 一片首次夺得奥斯卡最佳男主角殊荣.


那已经是很幸运的了. 正是因为稀有,所以现在大部分珍珠都是人工培植的. 人们将珍珠核培植于牡蛎中,以便它渐渐地覆上多层美丽的、光芒四射的一种称为珍珠母(Nacre) 的物质. 珍珠层逐渐积累使其形成一颗光芒四射的珍珠.

racine f:根;根部;根源,根子;词根

radieux,-se a. 发光的;光芒四射的;喜悦的 | racine f. 根;根部;根源,根子;词根 | radiation f. 放射,辐射

Stairs Stairs:梯級

Sports Sports 運動 | Stairs Stairs 梯級 | Starburst Starburst 光芒四射的亮光

Starburst Starburst:光芒四射的亮光

Stairs Stairs 梯級 | Starburst Starburst 光芒四射的亮光 | Starfish Starfish 海星


赛后,>的点评中,仅仅用了一个单词--稳定的(Steady). 这样的评价,虽然不能与邓恩的光芒四射(Superb)相比,可比起克罗地亚人科尔卢卡的不太稳定,要强的多. 前英格兰国脚得到的评价是防守良好.

weeping willow:啜泣的柳枝

9 Bright light 光芒四射 | 10 Weeping willow 啜泣的柳枝 | 1 Resonnez hautbois 让双簧管奏鸣