英语人>词典>汉英 : 光滑面 的英文翻译,例句
光滑面 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
glaze  ·  glazes

更多网络例句与光滑面相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Never touch the clear sides of the cuvette since it will always be in the path of the light beam!


Sodium fluoride and sodium monofluorophosphate dentifrice(F 1.450 mg/L) in reversal of early caries were better than non-fluoride one.

2种氟浓度1 450 mg/L的牙膏与无氟牙膏比较,具有明显的抑制牙釉质光滑面早期龋损脱矿的作用。

Conclusio Sodium fluoride and sodium monofluoropho hate dentifrice(F 1.450 mg/L) in reversal of early caries were better than non-fluoride one.

2种氟浓度1 450 mg/L的牙膏与无氟牙膏比较,具有明显的抑制牙釉质光滑面早期龋损脱矿的作用。

With the socio-economic development of adhesive tape used in daily life more and more widely, in the current criminal cases, criminal use of adhesive tape case more and more often used for closure of the victims mouth and tied hands and feet and explosive devices and so on, adhesive tape on the smooth surface and stick noodle criminals are very easy to leave fingerprints on adhesive tape, especially on the handprint fingerprints sticky surface to appear directly to the emerging evidence and suspects linked to so as to expose and confirmed to provide hard evidence of crime.


Mixed saliva and pooled plaque samples from the smooth surfaces of teeth were collected for microbiologic analysis before administration (baseline~ day 0).. during treatment (days 7.. 14 and 21) and after withdrawal of the agents (days 28~ 42 and 56) and plaque index were recorded. Microbial cultivation were performed by serially diluting the samples with PBS solution and cultivating the aiquots on Mitis Salivarius Agar and MS supplemented with bacitracin for Oral streptococci and Mutans streptococci respectively. The plates were incubated at 37~C under microaerophilic condition(90%N2,10%CO.,) for 48 hot:rs. The number of colony-forming unit per plate was counted and the percentage of Mutans Streptococci per Oral streptococci in dental plaque were determined.


Sodium fluoride and sodium monofluorophosphate dentifriceF 1.450 mg/L in reversal of early caries were better than non-fluoride one.

2种氟浓度1 450 mg/L的牙膏与无氟牙膏比较,具有明显的抑制牙釉质光滑面早期龋损脱矿的作用。

Sound enamel surfaces were dematerialized in bacteria model in vitro. QLF was used to analyze the area of lesions, the loss of fluorescence and ΔQ on enamel surfaces after demineralization.

目的 通过在体外形成牙釉质光滑面早期龋损的恒化器龋病模型,评价定量光导荧光技术反映光滑面早期龋损矿物质含量变化的效果。

PARTICIPANTS: Ten edentulous jaw patients wore complete denture with smooth surface and palatal rugae complete denture base.


COVER: Flexible PVC, yellow, red, blue and block in colors etc, surfaces of cover can be smooth and corrugated.

外层:软PVC ,颜色是黄色、红色、蓝色或黑色等。表面为光滑面或条纹面。

A bush in St. John's wears an icy glaze during what Newfoundlanders call the "silver thaw."


更多网络解释与光滑面相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

articular surface:关节面

(1)关节面(articular surface)是相邻两骨的接触面. 多为一凸一凹,凸面称关节头,凹 面称关节窝,其表面覆有一层关节软骨,使两关节面的接触更加适合. 由于软骨的表面光滑并有 弹性,因此有减少摩擦和缓冲两骨撞击的作用. 关节软骨内无血管、神经,


顶面(Table Facet)宝石冠部的中央刻面. ...乳房状(mammillated)光滑的圆形. ...刻面(Facet)切磨或抛光宝石的表面.


(2)跖骨(metatarsus) 共5块,相当于手的掌骨但较粗壮. (1)关节面(articular surface)是两骨相互接触的光滑面. 每个关节至少有两个关节面, 一般是一凸一凹,凸面称关节头,凹面称关节窝. 关节面均覆盖有关节软骨. 关节软骨既光滑又富有弹性,

raised face:凸面, 光滑式密封面(法兰)

radio button 单选按钮 | raised face 凸面, 光滑式密封面(法兰) | range 测量范围

with a smooth edge or surface; regular; even:边或面光滑的; 规则的; 均匀的; 整齐的

*a car with clean lines 美观的汽车. | 5 with a smooth edge or surface; regular; even 边或面光滑的; 规则的; 均匀的; 整齐的 | *A sharp knife makes a clean cut. 快刀切得整齐.

Hair satiny and fine:头发光滑和罚款

Craniofacial lines divergent. 颅面线分歧. | Hair satiny and fine. 头发光滑和罚款. | Poor mask. 穷人的面具.


31 INSULATION BARREL 绝缘 インシュレーション | 32 SERRATION 非光滑面 セレーション | 33 KICK BACK 反冲 キック?バック


slick /光滑的/ | slickens /光滑冲积层/水力冲刷浮土法/ | slickenside /光滑面/


slicked up 整洁的 | slickenside 岩石光滑面 | slicker 雨衣


slicker /防水衣/雨衣/**/ | slickness /光滑的/巧妙的/花言巧语的/ | slickolite /擦痕岩面/