英语人>词典>汉英 : 先知书 的英文翻译,例句
先知书 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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On this 3rd Sunday of Advent, we find the Prophet Zephaniah, who is one of the minor prophets of the Old Testament, announcing to Israel a time of rejoicing!


The Assyro-Babylonian personification of Ninevah. She was vilified in Nahum iii -"the multitude of the whoredoms of the well-favoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts".

亚述-巴比伦神话中Ninevah的化身,曾经讽刺Nahum iii(那鸿三世,犹太人的先知,见《圣经-旧约》中十二卷先知书的第七卷《那鸿书》说:"众多美貌妓女淫乱,魔女"。

The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.2 As it is written in Isaiah the prophet,"Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, who shall prepare thy way; 3 the voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight —" 4 John the baptizer appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.


Chapter Ⅳ is the analysis of "Hagiographa" which was divided it into "non-historical section" and "historical section" by the author.


As I said that's the more difficult part, and most of us have difficulty, with some of the minor prophets.


Micah is the 6th of the 12 books of Minor Prophets in the Old Testament of the Bible.


But all this has taken place, so that the scriptures of the prophets may be fulfilled.


But all this has taken place that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled.


The Assyro-Babylonian personification of Ninevah. She was vilified in Nahum iii -"the multitude of the whoredoms of the well-favoured harlot, the mistress of witchcrafts".

亚述-巴比伦神话中Ninevah的化身,曾经讽刺Nahum iii(那鸿三世,犹太人的先知,见《圣经-旧约》中十二卷先知书的第七卷《那鸿书》说:&众多美貌妓女淫乱,魔女&。

Tuesday of the First Week of Advent Reading I Is 11:1-10 On that day, A shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and from his roots a bud shall blossom.

读经一 依撒意亚先知书11:1-10 由叶瑟的树干将生出一个嫩枝,由它的根上将发出一个幼芽。

更多网络解释与先知书相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hosea:希伯来的先知, 何西阿书

corallin 玫红酸 | Hosea 希伯来的先知, 何西阿书 | geodetic control network 测地控制网


先知书中,耶肋米亚( Jeremiah)先知书就篇幅而言,可算是最长的一卷. 年青. 时蒙召的耶肋米亚先知是书中的重心人物,他的生活和思想, 与及天主透过他对北以. 色列和南犹大所作的启示是这卷书的主要内容. 耶肋米亚先知来自阿纳托特( Anathoth),

Minor Prophets:小先知书

minor premise 小前题 | Minor Prophets 小先知书 | minor scale 小音阶

Twelve Minor Prophets:十二小先知书

Twelve apostles 十二使徒 313 | Twelve Minor Prophets 十二小先知书 313 | Twelve tribes of lsrael 以色列十二支派516

The Twelve Minor Prophets:十二小先知书

12. 以西结书 Ezekiel | 13. 十二小先知书 The Twelve Minor Prophets | I. 何西阿书 Hosea


大约在公元前280年左右,所有旧约的先知书都被译成希腊文,纳入希腊的"七十士译本"(Septuagint)之内. 因此我们可以肯定地说,所有的先知书(包托约珥书和俄巴底亚书在内)必然都是在这段时间之前写成的.




<<旧约>>中,希伯来人创造的第二个重要组成部分是<<先知书>>(Prophets). 它由22本书组成. 一位犹太教教士将其划分为<<前先知书>>(包括<<约书亚记>>(Joshua)、<<士师记>>(Judges)、<<撒母耳记>&a

the Prophets:先知书

(页186-187) 先知书(The Prophets)承继了律法书所使用的形象. (页187)在后期先知中,耶和华的日子成为表达神审判的主要方式,神是审判全地的主,耶和华的日子为要除去人的骄傲和偶像崇拜. (页188)耶和华的日子表现方式包括了不同的自然灾害,

Abdias:希伯来的先知, 俄巴底亚书

ABDC || after bottom dead center 在下死点后 | Abdias || 希伯来的先知, 俄巴底亚书 | abdicable || 可放弃的, 可辞职的