英语人>词典>汉英 : 元音前的 的英文翻译,例句
元音前的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与元音前的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The influence of quality of Chinese /ai/: If the pronunciation of Chinese /ai/ or the first part of Chinese diphthong /ai/ is similar to English monophthong

汉语/ai/的特性的影响:A 如果学生汉语/ai/的发音或者汉语双元音/ai/的前半部分与英语单元音

Both the United States silver dollar and half-dollar, first minted in 1794, had a


The nasalization distinguishes itself in four aspects, including the nasal spreading can be bi-directional, the nasal spreading exhibits different situations between open and close syllables, vowels preceding nasal codas can not be nasalized, and postvocalic glottal stops and glides must agree with nasal onsets. The literature background is based on seven proposals, including Lin's (1992) proposal, Li's (1992) right-spreading theory, Wang's (1995) bi-directional spreading theory, Ang's (1996) downward-spreading theory, Chung's (1996) domain percolation, Ang's (2001) and Chou's (2002) OT analysis.


As well as using incorrect verb tenses (which all 'foreigners' do, including the English abroad!) the way Manuel, as a Spaniard, is made to pronounce English is arrived at by inserting a breathy 'h' sound in front of almost all vowels.


The destruction primarily results from the occasional insertion of glottal stops before wordinitial low vowels or diphthongs, which is phonologically natural and cannot be prevented from beforehand.


Orthographic representation of speech sounds –broad and narrow transcriptions 语音的书写形式-宽式和窄式音标 IPA-International Phonetic Alphabet 国际音标 There are two ways to transcribe speech sounds. One is the transcription with letter-symbols only, called broad transcription. The other is the transcription with letter-symbols together with the diacritics, called narrow transcription

窄式音标。实例:对 pit/spit 中 p 音的比较: pit 中的 p 是送气音,在窄式音标中标为上标,写作: spit 中的 p 是不送气音,在宽式音标中不作标示,写作:对 leaf/feel/build/health 中 l 音的比较: Leaf 中 l 在元音前,叫清晰音,在宽式音标中不作标示,写作: Feel 中 l 出现在单词结尾,叫模糊音,在窄式音标中加变音符号 Build 中 l 出现在另一个辅音前,也叫模糊音,在窄式音标中也加变音符号 Health 中 l 出现在齿音前,受其影响叫齿音,在窄式音标中加变音符号 5。

He took the old worker by the hand.

the 中的 e 在元音前读或,在辅音前读

Initials are initial consonants, while finals are all possible combinations of medials (semivowels coming before the vowel), the nucleus vowel, and coda.

缩写是声母,而决赛是所有可能的组合medials ( semivowels未来前元音),核元音和尾。

And the subordinate clause with que qu' in front of a


There are twelve monophthongs,and we divide them into front vowel ,central vowels and back vowels,both in British English and American English based on the parts of the tongue that count them.

元音分类精讲·☆元音分类 A 根据发音时舌头在口腔中抬起的部位不同,我们把单素元音分为前元音、中元音和后元音。

更多网络解释与元音前的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


prevocalic 元音前的;母音前的 | intervocalic 元音間的 | fusion of vowels 元音溶合


还可以在元音后作为韵尾发音. 发音时,发音部位与发辅音时相同,只是发时要用力送气. 辅音与汉语中发"科"(ke)、"苦"(ku)、"口"(kou)时的声母k相似. 辅音不仅可以在元音前发音,还可以在元音后作为韵尾发音.


quantitative categories of vowels 元音的數量範疇 | prevocalic 元音前的;母音前的 | intervocalic 元音間的


ad-adjectival 屬形容詞的 | ambisyllabic 屬兩音節的,與前後元音有關係的 | ambisyllabic consonant 屬兩音節的輔首;屬兩音節的音


pretonic syllable 重讀音節前的音節 | pretone 重讀音節前的音節或元音 | post-tonic syllable 重讀音節後的音節


carbonizer 碳化器 | pretonic [语]重读音节前的音节(或元音)的 | bid in sth. 拍卖人故意出最高价使某物落入自己手中

pretonic syllable:重讀音節前的音節

stressed syllable 重讀音節 | pretonic syllable 重讀音節前的音節 | pretone 重讀音節前的音節或元音


Cowboy 前面是靠的大嘴版 | Settlers 音节分隔很严重,前面的元音特别短 | Mining 买宁,前面的mi要发全,大元音

Front Vowels:前元音

根据发音时舌头活动的部位不同,单元音又可以分为三类:前元音(Front Vowels)、中元音(Central Vowels)和后元音(Back Vowels). 前元音中首先要提到[i]和[I]这两个极易混淆的发音. 首先我们先来学[i],也就是国际音标中的/i:/.

Be familiar with the sounds and spelling of front vowels, back vowels and plosives:熟悉前元音、后元音及爆破音的发音和拼写

Be familiar with the sounds and spelling of front vowels, back vowels and plosives 熟悉前元音、后元音及爆破音的发音和拼写 | Distinguish different word... | Be familiar with the sounds and spelling of ce...