英语人>词典>汉英 : 偿还基金 的英文翻译,例句
偿还基金 的英文翻译、例句


redemption fund · recourse fund
更多网络例句与偿还基金相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Part III is on the possibilities of setting up government bond investment funds in our country.


Payments are generally returned directly to the fund and used to make new loans — hence the term revolving loan fund.


If you read English histories, the sinking fund was an English invention.


To liquidateby installment payment s or payment into a sinking fund.


To liquidateby installment payments or payment into a sinking fund.


"Because we aim to avoid a repetition of unpayable debt in the future, we have also agreed to tough disciplines for the future, and we have asked the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to prepare a report for us on improving transparency on all sides, and to intensify the rooting out of corruption, so that funds are guaranteed to be used for the purpose of poverty reduction," he said.


One strategy that many of our members take is to save their medical receipts, but to delay reimbursement from the HSA so that the funds have the opportunity to grow tax-deferred.


You can perhaps borrow from a pension fund to pay off your debts.


Others have suspended redemptions, citing a desire to use existing cash for new opportunities rather than repaying investors.


更多网络解释与偿还基金相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

venture capital fund:创业基金

不过,银行融资通常有固定的还款期,即借贷须于指定期限分期偿还,若然你需要长期融资,但又不想于短期内还款,那就可以考虑创业基金(venture capital fund)或私募投资基金(private equity fund).

debt service fund:偿债基金

debt security 债务证券 | debt service fund 偿债基金 | debt service rate 外债偿还比例

debt service rate:外债偿还比例

debt service fund 偿债基金 | debt service rate 外债偿还比例 | debt servicing capacity 外债偿还能力

Funded debt retired from surplus:以盈馀偿还的长期债款

Funded debt 长期债款 | Funded debt retired from surplus 以盈馀偿还的长期债款 | Funded deficit 基金亏绌数

Funded debt retired from surplus:以盈余偿还的长期债款

Funded debt 长期债款 | Funded debt retired from surplus 以盈余偿还的长期债款 | Funded deficit 基金亏损数

Funded deficit:基金亏绌数

Funded debt retired from surplus 以盈馀偿还的长期债款 | Funded deficit 基金亏绌数 | Funded reserve 置有基金的准备

Funded deficit:基金亏损数

Funded debt retired from surplus 以盈余偿还的长期债款 | Funded deficit 基金亏损数 | Funded reserve 置有基金的准备

redemption fund:偿债基金

redemption赎回,偿还 | redemption fund偿债基金 | redemption period赎回期,偿还期

bond sinking fund:公司偿债基金;公司债偿债基金;债券偿债基金

bond retirement fund |减债基金;债券偿还基金;债券购销基金 | bond sinking fund 公司偿债基金;公司债偿债基金;债券偿债基金 | bond sinking fund |偿债基金;债券偿债基金

capital redemption reserve fund:资本偿还准备金

capital recovery factor 资本回收系数 | capital redemption reserve fund 资本偿还准备金 | capital redemption reserve fund -> pl. 偿还资本准备基金;资本偿还准备金