英语人>词典>汉英 : 偶数羽状的 的英文翻译,例句
偶数羽状的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

abruptly pinnate
更多网络例句与偶数羽状的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Leaves alternate, paripinnate, estipulate; leaflets alternate or subopposite, base asymmetric, margin obtusely serrate.


Long with an even number of pinnate; stipules large, semi-arrow-shaped, the edge of a white membranous, top with degradation tendril axis.


Leaves odd-pinnately 3- to many foliolate or sometimes digitately 3-foliolate (occasional leaves even-pinnate, 2-foliolate, or 1-foliolate); functional gynoecium 1-5-loculed, with distinct carpels or carpels basally connate; fruit of 1-5 distinct or basal

叶奇数羽状复叶3-对具小叶的很多或有时具3小叶偶然偶数羽状复叶,2具小叶,或单身复叶;功能的雌蕊群1-5室,具离生的心皮或心皮基部合生; 1-5离生或者基部的果 1 Zanthoxylum 花椒属

Leaves paripinnate, alternate, sessile; leaflets usually in many pairs, first pair small, like stipules, others evidently larger, usually serrate; lateral veins often many, extending to tips of dentate margins, parallel.


Leaves paripinnate, alternate, 25-40 cm with petioles; axis and petioles grayish yellow tomentose; leaflets usually 4 pairs, opposite; petiolules 3-4 mm, densely tomentose; blades adaxially deep green, oblong or ovate-oblong, 13-30 × 5-11 cm, papery, abaxially sparsely tomentose along midveins and lateral veins, adaxially sparsely tomentose along midveins, or glabrous on both sides, lateral veins 17-22 pairs, prominent on both sides when dry, base slightly cordate, margin entire, apex caudate-acuminate. Inflorescence racemose or thyrsoid, on stems and old branches, 1.5-4 cm, densely grayish yellow to grayish brown pubescent.

偶数羽状的叶子,互生,25-40厘米叶柄;轴和叶柄淡灰黄色被绒毛;通常的小叶4 对,对生;小叶柄3-4毫米,密被绒毛;叶片正面深的绿色,长圆形或卵形长圆形, 13-30 * 5-11 厘米,纸质,沿着中脉和侧脉被绒毛的背面稀疏,正面沿着中脉的稀疏绒毛,花序总状或聚伞圆锥状的,在茎和老枝上生,1.5-4厘米,密被淡灰黄色到淡灰棕色短柔毛。

更多网络解释与偶数羽状的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abruptly pinnate:偶数羽状的

"突变生态种","abrupt ecospecies;a-ecospecies" | "偶数羽状的","abruptly pinnate" | "截形的;钝形的","abruptus"

abrupt ecospecies;a-ecospecies:突变生态种

"截形的(叶无尖端的);突然的","abrupt" | "突变生态种","abrupt ecospecies;a-ecospecies" | "偶数羽状的","abruptly pinnate"

Gleditsia vestita:绒毛皂荚

绒毛皂荚(Gleditsia vestita)又名毛果皂荚,是我国独有的世界稀有树种. 绒毛皂荚是落叶乔木,高12米,胸径60厘米,树干圆满通直. 偶数羽状复叶,有7~9对小叶,近参考生卵形、长圆状卵形或椭圆形状卵形,长2厘米~6.5 厘米,宽1.5厘米~2.5厘米,


parietal mesoderm 体壁层 | paripinnate 偶数羽状的 | parisarc 包被

even pinnately compound leaf:偶数羽状复叶

偶数羽状的 even pinnate | 偶数羽状复叶 even pinnately compound leaf | 柳叶菜科 evening primrose; family; Onagraceae

Vicia bungei:{三齿萼野豌豆}

三齿萼野豌豆(Vicia bungei)与歪头菜同属于豆科野豌豆属,但在外形上有一定的区别:三齿萼野豌豆茎细弱,多分枝,偶数羽状复叶,小叶4~10,顶端卷须明显. 小叶长8~25毫米,宽3~6毫米,先端截形或稍凹,有短尖. 总状花序,腋生,比叶稍长,有2~4朵花.