英语人>词典>汉英 : 健身房 的英文翻译,例句
健身房 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gym  ·  gymnasia  ·  gymnasium  ·  palaestra  ·  gymnasiums  ·  gyms

fitness centre
更多网络例句与健身房相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the same time the base has a tennis court, badminton courts, table tennis room, swimming pool, gym, basketball court, 300 people and 50 people meeting rooms, bar, cafe, Chinese and Western restaurants, barbecue sites, fishing grounds and other leisure facilities!


To watch TV with a bag of chips on the belly instead of going to the gym.


At the gym we use bodywash so we don't have to share a bar of soap.


He was a total abstainer and non-smoker, had no recreations except a daily hour in gymnasium, and had taken a vow celibacy, believing marriage and the care of a family to be incompatible with a twenty-four-hour-a-day devotion to duty.


He was a total abstainer and a non- smoker , had no recreations except a daily hour in the gymnasium, and had taken a vow of celibacy, believing marriage and the care of a family to be incompatible with a twenty-four-hour-a-day devotion to duty


It doesn't have to constitute a three-year membership and daily trips to the local neighborhood gym, be it LAFitness, Golds Gym, Bally's, or 24hour Fitness.

它没有构成一项为期3年的会员和每日前往当地居委会健身房,无论是lafitness ,金牌健身房, bally报告的,或24 h健身。

To fitness, body-building for the purpose of the gym and have developed gradually formed a gym culture.


Basic information: adding, modifying, deleting and inquiring Information of the customer,member card and the servings; charge management and query: charge management,canceling the serving and inquire about of the charge management,canceling the servings;equipment management: including enregistering the information of purchasing and the destroy equipment; maintenance of system:including backup, furbish and initialize database.


My life is engulfed in my athletics. I graduated with a Mechanical Engineering Degree from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln in 1998. Instead of pursuing a career, I work for myself at Big Iron Gym, a place I created with my coach/boyfriend Rick Hussey.

我的生命已经被力量举所吸引,1998年我从内布拉斯加大学获得机械工程学位毕业后并没有以一个工程师的身份开始职业生涯,而是在Big Iron健身房里开始训练,一个由我和我的男友兼教练Rick Hussey共同创办的健身房

Gymnasiums for the purpose of physical exercise and beauty have been built and developed, gradually forming a public culture.


更多网络解释与健身房相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fitness center:健身房

社会活动social event | 健身房fitness center | 酒吧bar

physical fitness:健身房

in addition to 另有,还有 | facility n.设备 | physical fitness 健身房


大中小 我对星座学毫无研究,但通常人都告诉我摩羯座有着坚持不懈的固执,虽然自己并不具备摩羯座的其他优点,但这一点倒还真值得肯定. 因为五一长假,导致前天是近一个月首次踏入健身房(GYM)的日子,尽管没太下狠练,但昨天和今天我的二头和背酸疼得厉害.

Gym Room:健身房

公共卫生间 Public Washroom | 桑拿室 Sauna | 健身房 Gym Room


guidance 指导 | gymnasia 健身房 | gymnastics 体操



jungle gym:丛林健身房

05 Talk of the Town 热门话题 | 06 Jungle Gym 丛林健身房 | 07 We're Going to be Friends 我们会成为朋友

the one-minute workout:健身房里的健身器材被人设置成超快模式

22.the not-so-funhouse mirrors 服装店里的试衣镜被人替换成哈哈镜 | 23.the one-minute workout 健身房里的健身器材被人设置成超快模式 | 24.the real detective big先生的办公室被人搞得一团糟

indoor tennis court:那条道通向酒店的商务中心/健身房/美容院/室内网球场

/ Indoor Tennis Court. 那条道通向酒店的商务中心/健身房/美容院/室内网球场. | Please take this elevator to the twenty-second floor. 您请乘这... | I'll take the baggage elevator on the other side.我从那边...

as their wives engage in what can only be described as a "twosome:看老婆跟健身房刚认识的女人

Men who will stand by and watch...|有些男人... | ...as their wives engage in what can only be described as a "twosome"...|看老婆跟健身房刚认识的女人 | ...with some woman she barely knows from the gym!|...