英语人>词典>汉英 : 停经期 的英文翻译,例句
停经期 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与停经期相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Compared with nonuse of hormone therapy, oral conjugated equine estrogen therapy increases the risk of venous thrombosis dose-dependently, esterified estrogen does not influence venous thrombosis risk, and the use of any estrogen in combination with medroxyprogesterone acetate increases risk as well," the authors write."If replicated, these findings for venous thrombosis may have implications for the choice of hormone in treating menopause-related vasomotor symptoms in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women."

Smith博士同时指出,相较於非荷尔蒙使用者,口服结合性雌激素不论剂量高低都会提高静脉栓塞的风险,脂化雌激素对静脉栓塞并不会造成影响;任何雌激素,只要伴随medroxyprogesterone acetate,都会提高静脉栓塞的风险;如果本项试验适用,就可以选择正确的荷尔蒙疗法,以治疗更年期及停经期妇女的血管舒缩症状。

Methods 180 patients with uterine myoma peri-menopausal period were randomly divided into three groups. Patients in treatmentⅠgroup (n=100) were given Yiqizhuyu decoction. Patients in treatmentⅡgroup (n=40) were given Yiqizhuyu powder (twice a day, by taking medicine after mixing with water). The re was a discontinuation at menstruation. Patients in control group (n=40) were treated by cassia tuckahoe capsule (3 pills, thrice a day).


Methods 180 patients with uterine myoma peri-menopausal period were randomly divided into three groups. Patients in treatmentⅠgroup (n=100) were given Yiqizhuyu decoction. Patients in treatmentⅡgroup (n=40) were given Yiqizhuyu powder (twice a day, by taking medicine after mixing with water). There was a discontinuation at menstruation. Patients in control group (n=40) were treated by cassia tuckahoe capsule (3 pills, thrice a day).


Results All cases became amenorrheic during GnRH-α therapy. The enlarged uteri all decreased to normal or near normal size. Menstruation returned in 80~90 days after cessation of treatment. Three cases conceived within four menstrual periods. One of them resulted in the birth of a healthy 3 150 g male at 38 weeks gestation by cesarean section. The second pregnancy resulting after adenomyomectomy was terminated by emergent cesarean section at 30 weeks gestation because of threatened rupture of uterus. The third is now normal at 28 weeks pregnancy .The fourth has had 2 menstrual periods and is still being followed up.

结果 GnRH-α用药期间4例均闭经,血雌二醇于用药的第3周降到绝经期水平;用药6次后增大的子宫缩小至正常或接近正常。1例子宫后壁局限性腺肌瘤未行手术切除者,用药后腺肌瘤缩小73.7%。3例于腹腔镜术后、停药转经的4个月内妊娠;另1例停药转经2个月,现在随访中。3例妊娠转归:1例足月剖宫产分娩;1例手术切除肌壁间腺肌瘤者,孕30周时因先兆子宫破裂急诊行剖宫产术;1例目前孕22周。

Their fecundity outcome were followed-up after cessation of GnRH-α treatment. Results All cases became amenorrheic during GnRH-α therapy. The enlarged uteri all decreased to normal or near normal size. Menstruation returned in 80~90 days after cessation of treatment. Three cases conceived within four menstrual periods. One of them resulted in the birth of a healthy 3 150 g male at 38 weeks gestation by cesarean section. The second pregnancy resulting after adenomyomectomy was terminated by emergent cesarean section at 30 weeks gestation because of threatened rupture of uterus.

结果 GnRH-α用药期间4例均闭经,血雌二醇于用药的第3周降到绝经期水平;用药6次后增大的子宫缩小至正常或接近正常。1例子宫后壁局限性腺肌瘤未行手术切除者,用药后腺肌瘤缩小73.7%。3例于腹腔镜术后、停药转经的4个月内妊娠;另1例停药转经2个月,现在随访中。3例妊娠转归:1例足月剖宫产分娩;1例手术切除肌壁间腺肌瘤者,孕30周时因先兆子宫破裂急诊行剖宫产术;1例目前孕22周。

The duration of lactational amenorrheoa was longer in exclusively breastfeeding mothers than in those who were not.


更多网络解释与停经期相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

climacteric; menopause:停经期;更年期

\\"加拿大红背鼠\\",\\"Clethrionomys gapperi \\" | \\"停经期;更年期\\",\\"climacteric; menopause\\" | \\"短嘴旋木雀科\\",\\"CLIMACTERIDAE\\"


更年期;停经期 menopause | 月经过多;经血过多 menorrhagia | 闭经 menostasis


perimenopause 停经期前症候 | Perineum 产褥期 | Perineum care 产褥期护理

feeling unwell:(本义) 感到不适 (委婉义) 在月经期,行经

curse (本义) 该诅咒的东西 (委婉义) 月经,经期 | feeling unwell (本义) 感到不适 (委婉义) 在月经期,行经 | female complaint (本义) 女性疾病,妇女病 (委婉义) 月经,停经,痛经


不含荷尔蒙成分的治疗,如可乐宁Clondine(针对热潮红症状)和抗忧郁剂(Antidepressants)绝非治疗停经期毛病的万灵丹. 在这种情况下,顺势疗法的药物便常常能有所发挥了.