英语人>词典>汉英 : 停止移动 的英文翻译,例句
停止移动 的英文翻译、例句


come to rest
更多网络例句与停止移动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Other dead beetles stop moving and their antenna crinkle up.


The false gods are space between oriented and attach to where energy ceases to move or moves very slowly.


In general, the removal of mobile hard disk, the need to double-click the system tray Regional Office, the "Unplug or pop hardware" icon, then select the target mobile hard disk, followed by the implementation of "stop" command, when a security screen plug When prompted, mobile hard drive in order to pull out from your computer.


All movement in the town came to stop.It was almost impossible to drive ow ride in anything.The streets which led into the cinter were filled with buses that moved two miles an hour.Soon however ,the traffic was stopped .


Bill also draws some lines on the screen, some twisty curve lines have stopped moving.


Function: Throws the coin fixed time electrically operated wobbler: Puts through the power source, will invest a Yuan coin, the controller automatic accumulation counting, the machine around up and down will swing, simultaneously will broadcast the nursery song, will press the push button immediately, will make eight kind of simulation sounds, the time, automatic stopping.

概述: 功能:投币定时电动摇摆机:接通电源,投入一元硬币,控制器自动累计计数,机器就会前后上下摇摆,同时播放儿歌,即时按按纽,会发出八种模拟声响,时间到,自动停止。若要移动,只需一只手从前面功能:投币定时电动摇摆机:接通电源,投入一元硬币,控制器自动累计计数,机器就会前后上下摇摆,同时播放儿歌,即时按按纽,会发出八种模拟声响,时间到,自动停止。

Function: Throws the coin fixed time electrically operated wobbler: Puts through the power source, will invest a Yuan coin, the controller automatic accumulation counting, the machine around up and down will swing, simultaneously will broadcast the nursery song, will press the push button immediately, will make eight kind of simulation sounds, the time, automatic stopping.


Wait for the mechanisms to stop moving, then go over and pull the switch.


Going back to the traffic example: whenever the officer needs to let traffic on one road stop moving, he shows his open palm to that road's direction.


In the technology of the mobile air conditioning room,the heat barrier is used to isolate work- ers from the hot environment and the cooling air is supplied for the mobile air-conditioning room by the turbine- typed air cooler whose cooling source and ventilating power come from cooling energy and potential energy stored in the water in constant temperature zone.

矿井移动空调室技术的实质是利用热幛将作业者与环境隔离,再用一种水轮机式空气冷却器向移动空调室内供冷。水轮机式空气冷却器的冷源和通风动力均来自矿井恒温带。通过实验得知:环境温度为32℃时,以1.6 m~3/h的速度供给水温为18℃的冷水启动空气冷却器10 min后,矿井移动空调室内干球温度可降至24℃;空气冷却器停止工作后30 min,矿井移动空调室内的空气温度仍可维持在28℃以下

更多网络解释与停止移动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Hard-Disk Drive:硬盘

当设定为[Enabled]可以激活高级电源管理(APM)功能,可以增强节电性能,并停止系统内部该项用来选择是由 BIOS 还是由具有即插即用(Plug-and-Play)功能的操作系统来配置系统这个能启动的设备可以是可移动设备(Removable Drive)或硬盘(Hard Disk Drive).

external force:外力

直至热带气旋用尽了所有有利自己发展的条件时,热带气旋便停止进一步增强 .热带气旋的移动受著两大因素影响-内力(Internal force)和外力(External force).


poison mist 毒雾:使目标中毒. | fixate 凝固:让浮石暂时停止移动. | unlock 开锁:没什么好解释的,当然,是打不开门的.


(2)中期(metaphase)是从染色体达到了细胞的赤道面、停止移动的开始的. 动物细胞的染色体在赤道面上一般呈辐射状排列在纺锤体的周围. 在此期中纺锤体已达到最大的程度. 一些纺锤丝从纺锤体的两极分别与染色体的着丝点相连接,

solidification point:凝点

(8)凝点(Solidification Point) 试样在规定条件下冷却至停止移动时的最高温度,以℃表示. (9)机械杂质(Mechanical Impurities) 存在于油品中所有不溶于规定溶剂的杂质. (10)苯胺点(Aniline Point) 油品在规定条件下和等体积的苯胺完全混溶时的最低温度,

touching moving:移动

trembled--shook战栗, 发抖, 震动, (树叶等)摇晃. | touching--moving移动 | terminated--put an end to停止, 结束, 终止

come to pass:发生

come to oneself 苏醒 | come to pass 发生 | come to rest 停止移动

come to stay:扎根下来

come to rest 停止移动 | come to stay 扎根下来 | come to terms 达成协议

come to rest:停止移动

come to pass 发生 | come to rest 停止移动 | come to stay 扎根下来