英语人>词典>汉英 : 做文章 的英文翻译,例句
做文章 的英文翻译、例句


make an issue of · make a fuss about sth.
更多网络例句与做文章相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Folk culture is still staying on using our heritage and aboriginality, which brings happiness and worries, half and half because too many participants will change the nature of the folk culture.


So my view is a thirty-seventy ratio, do Seo we use 3 minutes, make an issue of uses 7 component of force.


So it is dispensable for any people to make farce on me.


My practice uses his mood to perhaps be used to make an issue of to revise namely, for example eider down by maintain this article Http://www.yurongbei.net/html/knowledge/baoyang.html, baidu one, have 14000 much themes, so informal look for an article, look next or for many times, draw up in silent come, him likelihood memory is not quite good, wrote oneself basically to think of only so probably meaning, add bit of him thing again, made the unique text on the net.


We have to interpret the game well and take advantage of the flanks, they have a few weak points we can exploit.


Finally, after years of dry holes, I had given them something to work with.


Indeed, this was the favorite spot for Mafia torturers, who searched it out on the cheeks of their victims with the needle-fine point of an ice pick.


All the reasons rest with a haze of misunderstanding to the concept, a incomprehensive mechanism, an inadequately powerful legal system and a low quality of the exerting people.


Marine resource, intertropical islands, area base of our country of the natural protective screen of security of advantage, state, 21 centuries' potential the sources of energy, these are Hainan embraces some unique " exalted ", around these thematic make an issue of, of Hainan " outstanding " place and strategic position will be shown gradually, hainan province is pulled with marine development those who move is new round socioeconomy develops to also middle finger greatly day can be waited for.


In order to become the leading industry to create competitive industries, Long Island County, Laminaria germplasm continued to improve and promote the breeding of new technologies on the fuss.


更多网络解释与做文章相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


除此外,清真寺得设水房,以利信徒礼拜前进行净礼(ablution). 由於教义不准塑雕像,清真寺多在建筑物装饰做文章. 例如马赛克花纹、可兰经文画. 女性与非伊斯兰教徒不得进入清真寺. 一般另设女性专用祈祷聚所. 在卢伊(Ruwi)看过这种女性会场.


俗语"砍头露尾"("Chop off the head and show the tail" )虽是烹调法(cookery)做鱼的一种技术,但用于做文章,理论上也是可取的. 审稿者大笔一挥,砍头不露尾,作者的意思就残缺不全了.


这里的关键在于,出题者是看着录音文本(script)设计题目的,他们往往在同形异义词(homograph)或者谐音词(phonogram)上做文章. 考生一不小心还真容易中招.

play on words:文字游戏

广告语"你不理财,财不理你" 中所使用的手法,实际上是一种常见的玩弄文字游戏 (play on words) 手法,其效果有点像绕口令. 这种玩弄文字游戏的手法在英语广告中也是屡见不鲜. 下面的三个例子都属这一类,一个是在"美"字上做文章,

