英语人>词典>汉英 : 做好 的英文翻译,例句
做好 的英文翻译、例句


work it
更多网络例句与做好相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They're both kind of adorably romantic like these characters, you know, they're just very earnest, who honestly have not changed a bit through all this -- Craig said,"lets just make a great pilot, that's all we need to do right now; just make a great pilot."


When look back of the reforming of state-owned enterprises in the past years, we fell the key point to its success is whether the employees are successfully re-identified and well aftercare on Job or not.


If have a friend,be to build a station so, had better be this measure: The first, begin to become good fixed position, search it allow a few keywords to do is good to allow a few keywords to do optimize, for instance, my target is amused this word should accomplish Baidu the first, with etc and the word that concern amusedly, also achieve a goal now, do not believe your Baidu to look.


Conscientiously do asset disposal programme last year against assets of the assessment results, a follow-up, further funds between state, collective and individual interests, reasonable disposition of assets; Equity structure of the programme diligently, in accordance with the requirements of sustainable development for enterprises, the establishment of reasonable equity structure, integrated into holding face, percentage, holding objects and conditions, Holding forms and relevant supporting policies that open, fair, just, transparent; conscientiously working resettlement programme, with the stock assets settlement of issues left over by history with more features I Homes surplus personnel for the relevant policies, reasonable and lawful solution to the issue of labor contracts with employees of the conversion from state-owned assets set piece, the resettlement of surplus personnel, efforts to stabilize; conscientiously do corporate management structure programmes in strict accordance with the requirements of the modern enterprise system, and regulate the establishment of the Board, shareholders, the board of supervisors, and reasonable adjustment of production structure and organization of production patterns; conscientiously party and mass organizations reform programmes, and actively explore the relationship between the party organizations working system, the forms of organizations, activities, party and mass organizations play a good role in the development of enterprises should be; conscientiously development plan starting from the structure and mechanism, innovation, better planning of new business development ideas, direction, objectives and initiatives.


Because lecturer Wang always saying it recently, should sublease the apartment with us, and I call him uncle Wang according to the courtesy , focal point even if I want classics of watching, I extraordinary fearness household noisy, household noisy I nothing hear right away, so I must depend on Triratna, because the uncle Wang he become a Buddhist at all, what he believes is the Triratna that is always said, explain Buddha dharma to him, he will talk about the similar law that they always said, so really make me too bitter to say, certainly I know this it is hindered that is my family property, if miss obstacle, must learn to give up, that is to say that gives up one's own moral integrity , certainly perhaps a lot of people can not understand , in fact very simple , a reason for my meaning, what the string is fastenned is too tight, very apt to lose brokenly, the ones that fastenned are too too loose to spring the sound, so adjust just now very all right, what I say certainly it gives up to be Buddha Bodhisattva in the degrees of all living creature, can give up heads with the brain , certainly if you meet the greedy person , or ignorant person, the left eye of your charity, he wants the right eye, you are two holes of charity, even if he throws your eyes to the ground to step on rottenly , it is so discredited that will blurt out and scold and say, so say that you know , cross all living creature's thing , it is not really what common people can do in this, so I must have pieces of view think meet as me wholehearted to ask people of law , I willing charity everything certainly, but if the other side does not ask the law wholeheartedly , certainly the charity that I can not be silly and silly, I must do the view with reason , it is all right that I act dumb with him, that is to say that he acts dumb with me in meaning, I certainly can regard oneself as noble-minded and unwilling to swim with the tide too, Buddha Bodhisattva is it cross some three evil all living creature of dish to want sometimes, must put down the figure , go to put into animal's body , then go to follow the statement of one of three evil , the focal point is that I am not so great, I do the part of Theravada well first , or finish humanity first, ten is it do five exhortation well to good at first, three Ban 5 exhortation make and discuss well that Bodhisattva has feet to give up to give up, three Ban five exhortation finish anyway, you is it defend the doctrine god defend , so I it hopes to be too urgent what oneself force to have, I am only relaxed studies Buddha.


Together in a process Road, the former process of renovation works, many are decorative face well, we have some protection products, the protection is simple finished first submitted some proposals to us, we recognize End, and then a protection In other works in progress, it can not destroy, or to re-issue the protection of all products prior Road processes assume a responsibility for the protection of the mutual protection responsibilities will change, if there is any damage to the case, we will hold the responsibility for the protection of everyone's attention to the work.


Together in a process Road, the former process of renovation works, many are decorative face well, we have some protection products, the protection is simple finished first submitted some proposals to us, we recognize End, then do protection in other works in progress, it can not destroy, or to re-issue the protection of all products prior Road processes assume a responsibility for the protection of the mutual protection responsibilities will change, if there is any damage to the case, we will hold the responsibility for the protection of everyone's attention to the work.


First removed the external electrical wiring, and do a good job in marking, for example, asynchronous motor, three-phase power should be prepared with the corresponding tag line for the DC motor, and Patrick do a good job should be winding, armature winding, etc. corresponding with the external wiring tags.


All the banking financial institutions shall practically fulfill the "six service commitments" and handle special affairs in a special way to ensure smooth channels for earthquake relief donations and remittances; shall provide good services for payment and settlement of disaster relief funds to ensure that disaster relief funds be remitted to the accounts of payees as soon as possible; shall do a good job in capital dispatch and remittance to safeguard the needs of the clients in disaster areas for drawing cash and ensure the timely entry of disaster relief funds into accounts and the timely allotment of disaster relief funds; shall try to resume normal business operation of outlets in disaster areas, and may set up temporary outlets under a special circumstance to ensure the needs of clients for transactions; shall rapidly process international earthquake relief funds and reduce charges as much as possible; shall open green credit-granting channels for earthquake relief, actively do a good job in granting of disaster relief loans, support the timely purchase and circulation of earthquake relief materials, provide special financial services for the heavily affected industries and enterprises of power, communications, highway and railway, etc., guarantee the efficiency in examination and approval of loans and ensure the disaster relief funds be in place timely.


Said: from my start, start from now, it is necessary to do a good job of leaders in AIDS prevention and control; to do a good job in AIDS prevention and control knowledge propagandists; want to do a good job caring close friends with AIDS.


更多网络解释与做好相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

do a bad job of sth:把某事做好

be away of a job 没有 | do a bad job of sth 把某事做好 | a bad job 幸运事

action station:[军]战斗岗位 [pl.][军]各就各位(准备战斗)的号令; 做好准备

above one's station 超出自己的身分地位 | action station [军]战斗岗位 [pl.][军]各就各位(准备战斗)的号令; 做好准备 | beneath one's station 低于自己的身分地位

i need an advance:我要提前做好准备

you risk it all,你不计后果. | i need an advance.我要提前做好准备 | like old times.和以前一样

So we'll be ready at a moment's notice:这样警报一响就能做好准备

Why are these boots set up like this?|-这些靴子为何... | So we'll be ready at a moment's notice.|-这样警报一响就能做好准备 | Well, I should be a fireman, because I am always ready to go.|我应该当个消防员...

We should be well prepared at all points, just in case something unexpected should happen:我们应该在各方面做好准备,以防万一

at all points各方面: | We should be well prepared at all points, just in case something unexpected should happen. 我们应该在各方面做好准备,以防万一. | at all times任何时候:

The jacket will be ready in a week at longest:至多一个星期,上衣就可以做好

We can stay here only three days at longest. 我们在这里至多只能呆三天. | The jacket will be ready in a week at longest. 至多一个星期,上衣就可以做好. | at most最多,至多:

should be prepared for sth:为某事做好准备

The baby was born at 8 o'clock. 婴儿8点钟出生的. | 12. should be prepared for sth. 为某事做好准备 | You should be prepared for your test. 你应该为你的考试做好准备.

Well, not exactly:嗯,不算做好了

Have you finished the scepter?|权杖做好了吗? | Well, not exactly.|嗯,不算做好了 | I... I was wondering... I mean, I have to ask you...|嗯...我在想...我是说,我得问问你

keep one's end up:做好自己份内的事, 尽自己的责任;(在困难面前)坚持下去, 不泄气;勉强

hold one's end up 做好自己份内的事, 尽自己的责任;(在困难面前)坚持下去, 不泄气;勉强 | keep one's end up 做好自己份内的事, 尽自己的责任;(在困难面前)坚持下去, 不泄气;勉强 | in the end 最后, 终于

Action stations:各就各位,做好准备;大家做好准备马上开始行动

actions speak louder than words 行动比语言更响亮,行动胜于空谈 | action stations! 各就各位,做好准备;大家做好准备马上开始行动 | in action 在工作,在运转;在战斗,在打仗