英语人>词典>汉英 : 假设的 的英文翻译,例句
假设的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hypothetic  ·  hypothetical  ·  suppositious

更多网络例句与假设的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some methods on how to establish null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis are formulates with some examples.


We have mainly discussed the different selection of the original hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis which affected the result of hypothesis testing , and put forward a general principle how to select correctly the original hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.


On the basis of economic retional person hypothesis, tradecast non - zero hypothesis and information non - symmetry hypothsis, the author obsrves the problems in aquatic products quality and the cause from the angle of economy and puts forword corresponding policy suggestion.


Statistics The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis where it is false.

推翻假设的机率:推翻错误处无用假设的可能性 21。

In this part, I have established the 10 postulate of performance audit by reference postulate of financial audit.


The theatrical foundation of this paper is option pricing model. This paper focuses on the Black-Scholes model, details the basic postulation, principle and pricing formula. And it is pointed out that the postulation that volatility is constant can't reflect the varying market volatility. Violation of this postulation will lead to biased pricing results.


We discuss several situations of simple hypothesis and complex ones.


In this paper the gaseous viscosity factor is simplified and deduced on basis of supposed gas and then some supposal is cleaned and much more strict deductions are given .


According to the logical approach, the providing of the analysis hypothesis before the model construction is necessary. For example, the hypothesis of rational man and utility identity are for the convenient analysis, the hypothesis that the rich utility is smaller than the poor utility is for the importance of the third distribution.


The lynchpin of these analyses is the assumption of the negative elasticity—without that assumption, there is no basis for the subsequent elementary calculations of job loss.


更多网络解释与假设的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


assume 假设,假定,采取,承担 | assumed 假设的,计算的,理论的 | assumed accident 假想事故

be supposed to be:名义上的, 假设的

apologetic a.道歉的 | be supposed to be 名义上的, 假设的 | bedraggled a.拖泥带水的;又脏又湿的


hypothesize 假设 | hypothetic 假设的 | hypothetical 假设的


hypotension 血压过低 | hypothetic 假设的,假定的 | unhappy不快乐的/不幸福的/不幸的

hypothetiC oMaladj:假设的

hypothesisC oM.假设,前提 | hypothetiC oMaladj.假设的 | hysteriaC oM.歇斯底里,癔病


逆向演绎方法的内容是从结果回头找原因,并以经验法则还有心理学及性格学的定律查核这项假设的(hypothetical)定律. 实作上涉及孔德提出的社会静力学和社会动力学:静力学,也就是Mill所谓的社会状态或和谐(consensus)状态,

Purported, Assumed to be such; supposed:传说的;假设的

"Violence point blank is wrong" point blank 直截了当的 | Purported, Assumed to be such; supposed: 传说的;假设的: | the purported author of the story.这个故事传说中的作者

testing of statistical hypothesis:统计假设的检验

testing of hypothesis 假设检验 | testing of statistical hypothesis 统计假设的检验 | testing position 试验座席

testing of statistical hypothesis:统计假设的检定

检定线性假设 testing linear hypothesis | 统计假设的检定 testing of statistical hypothesis | 常态性检定 tests of normality

test of a linear hypothesis:线性假设的检验

线性假设的典范型|canonical form of a linear hypothesis | 线性假设的检验|test of a linear hypothesis | 线性空间的基|basis of linear space