英语人>词典>汉英 : 假眉毛 的英文翻译,例句
假眉毛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与假眉毛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Currently, some, in the pursuit of fashionable, good eyebrow at the whole strip will be replaced by a false depiction with eyebrow pencil.


Colonel Geraldine was dressed and painted to represent a person connected with the Press in reduced circumstances; while the Prince had, as usual, travestied his appearance by the addition of false whiskers and a pair of large adhesive eyebrows.


Like Hill's smile, arched eyebrows and polite "nice move" offered to Paul Pierce after the Celtic faked him and hit a step-back jumper.

比如Hill的笑容,弯弯的眉毛和给对手有礼貌的赞美,当Paul Pierce做了个假动作骗过他,投中了一个后撤步的跳投之后,Hill对他说,&好球&。

更多网络解释与假眉毛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

false eyelash:假眉毛

bobby pin 发夹 | false eyelash 假眉毛 | lipstick 口红


hairpencil /毛鬃/ | hairpiece /假发/假眉毛/ | hairpin /发夹/钗/簪/


假冒知道blufferbluffest | 假眉毛hairpiece | 假寐dogsleepdoze


最叫人印象深刻的是那双有如刺剑(estoc)般的眉毛,以及坚挺,彷佛带着强大意志力的下颔,比起什么可怜的被害者,假寐中的战争女神会是更贴切的比喻. "FBI一般把"蝴蝶结男"这类连续杀人犯大约分成有组织(organized)及无组织(disorganized)两类.

How about an eyebrow toupee:沾上个假眉毛怎么样

Makeup,little shading,maybe some glue.|化妆 打点阴影 或者弄点胶水 | How about an eyebrow toupee?|沾上个假眉毛怎么样? | - Where's my eyebrow? - I don't know what to say.|- 我的眉毛去哪了? - 我无语了

Eyelashes Perming:进行电眼睫毛

- Apply Semi Permanent Individual Lashes 装个别假睫毛 | - Eyelashes Perming 进行电眼睫毛 | - Eyelashes And Eyebrow Tinting 进行染眼睫毛/眉毛