英语人>词典>汉英 : 假孕的 的英文翻译,例句
假孕的 的英文翻译、例句


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Intrauterine phantom pregnancy bursa is one sign of ultrasonography in diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy.


Methods: The fetuses of interfamily pregnancy day 4, day 8 and day 12 were acted as experimental group, while the ones of intraspecific pregnancy day 4, day 8 and day 12 of embryo transfer and the uteri of pseudopregnant mice of corresponding time were employed as positive and negative groups respectively.


MethodsEarly embryos at different stages and uterus of the non-pregnant, and pregnant uterus of 1 to 8 days pseudopregnancy in mice were obtained.


There was a low level of basigin mRNA expression in the luminal epithelium on days 1 to 8 of pseudopregnancy and glandular epithelium on days 2 to 6 of pseudopregnancy.

Basigin mRNA在假孕大鼠子宫第1-8天腔上皮及第2-6天腺上皮持续表达,而basigin蛋白质则在假孕第1-2天的腔上皮及第2-6天腺上皮表达。

Methods Male mice were killed by cervical vertebrae dislocation, the caudae epididymides were removed and squeezed to HTF medium, then add oocyte-cumulus complexes, after IVF 22~24 h, wash the embryos and selected the two-cell embryos to 0.5 d pseudopregnant ICR mice.

对于需要净化的小鼠的雄鼠,采集附睾的精子,放入HTF溶液中获能,然后加入经过超排的卵团,体外受精。20~22 h后,挑选形态正常的二细胞胚胎,在净化实验室,移植给假孕的SPF级ICR母鼠,待产仔。

Methods: The fetuses of interfamily pregnancy day 4, day 8 and day 12 were acted as experimental group, while the ones of intraspcific pregnancy day 4, day 8 and day 12 of embryo transfer and the uteri of pseudopregnant mice of corresponding time were employed as positive and negative groups respectively.


The healthy survivals were also transferred into the oviducts of pseudopregnant female mice. PCR was used to analyze the integration of the transgene in the genomes of mice.


MATERIALS AND METHODS: Arg to Ser mutation was introduced into the 249 position of the p53 gene by knock-in method. These ES cells with this mutation were selected according to the homologues-recombination with PCR and Southern blot. The positive ES cells without a selection marker were injected into blastocysts recovered from Hprt(superscript -/-) mice, which were derived from Hprt-deficient ES cells. The injected blastocysts then were implanted into pseudopregnant females.


It was shown that: 1 MMP2 activity reached the highest level during proestrus, and was lowest during diestrus; 2 MM2 acti vity was increased from the first day of pregnancy, peaked on day 4 of pregnancy; but decreased significantly at day 7 of the pregnancy. 3 MMP2 activity was obviously higher on day 1 of pseudopregnancy than on the other days, and its activity decreased gradually, reached the very low level at day 4 of pseudopregnancy and maintained the low level until day 7; 4 MMP2 activity was decreased significantly 24 hours after injection of 17βestradiol ( 01 mg) at metaestrus, while MMP2 activity had no change after progesterone (04 mg) injection.


RESULTS:①A total of 178 injected and survived zygotes were replanted. Thirteen mice were born with the birth rate of 7%.

结果:①178只注射pcDNA3.1-mutant LMNA后的存活受精卵移植至假孕鼠输卵管后,出生13只子代鼠,出生率只有7%;58只注射pcDNA31 -mutant LMNA后的存活受精卵移植到假孕鼠输卵管后,在移植后12~15 d的受体母鼠子宫内收集到1只活胚和5只死胚。

更多网络解释与假孕的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

pseudoclassicism:伪古典主义; 拟古体 (名)

pseudoclassic 伪古典的 (形) | pseudoclassicism 伪古典主义; 拟古体 (名) | pseudocyesis 假孕 (名)


2.假孕(pseudocyesis) 患者渴望生育而出现抑郁、闭经、乳汁分泌,可有恶心呕吐、食欲不振等早孕样反应,是一种典型的神经内分泌疾病. 在患者认为怀孕时检查可见BBT持续高温相,血中PRL和L…


假叶目绦虫头节呈梭形,其固着器官是头节背、腹侧向内凹入而形成的两条沟槽(bothrium). 绦虫即靠头节上的固着器官吸附在宿主肠壁上. 此外,当孕节在所寄生的宿主肠中被消化而释出虫卵时,亦可孵出六钩蚴,然后钻入肠绒毛发育成似囊尾蚴,

pseudograph:伪作; 伪书 (名)

pseudocyesis 假孕 (名) | pseudograph 伪作; 伪书 (名) | pseudohermaphrodite 假半阴阳的人; 假两性畸形的人 (名)