英语人>词典>汉英 : 假使 的英文翻译,例句
假使 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

be it that
更多网络例句与假使相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To have secured my acquittal by such means would have been a life-long torture to me.


Without going deeply into questions which are only indirectly connected with the subject of this book, we will simply say this: It would have been well if Monseigneur Bienvenu had not been a Royalist, and if his glance had never been, for a single instant, turned away from that serene contemplation in which is distinctly discernible, above the fictions and the hatreds of this world, above the stormy vicissitudes of human things, the beaming of those three pure radiances, truth, justice, and charity.


Which it was necessary to know,--if, the porter once passed, one entered a little vestibule on the right, on which opened a staircase shut in between two walls and so narrow that only one person could ascend it at a time, if one did not allow one's self to be alarmed by a daubing of canary yellow, with a dado of chocolate which clothed this staircase, if one ventured to ascend it, one crossed a first landing, then a second, and arrived on the first story at a corridor where the yellow wash and the chocolate-hued plinth pursued one with a peaceable persistency.


Except for the romances which she had read, and which made the affected lady peep through the ogress at times, in a very queer way, the idea would never have occurred to any one to say of her,"That is a woman."


If any physiognomist who had been familiar with Javert, and who had made a lengthy study of this savage in the service of civilization, this singular composite of the Roman, the Spartan, the monk, and the corporal, this spy who was incapable of a lie, this unspotted police agent--if any physiognomist had known his secret and long-cherished aversion for M. Madeleine, his conflict with the mayor on the subject of Fantine, and had examined Javert at that moment, he would have said to himself,"What has taken place?"


Granted that we buy/sell a shitload of, products from them, AND, that they hold


He would equal Munophis of Elephanta if he could but get me an Indian dancing -girl, and Thygelion of Chaeronea if he could bring me a Greek courtesan


If they were richer, one would say,"They are dandies;" if they were poorer, one would say,"They are idlers."


Bricks have fallen, but we will build with cut stone; Sycamores are felled, but we will replace them with cedars.


Louis Philippe will be classed among the eminent men of his century, and would be ranked among the most illustrious governors of history had he loved glory but a little, and if he had had the sentiment of what is great to the same degree as the feeling for what is useful.

路易-菲力浦将被列于他这一世纪中杰出人物之列,并且,假使他稍稍爱慕荣誉,假使他对伟大事物的感情能和他对实用事物的感情达到同样的高度,他还可以跻身于历史上赫赫有名的统治者之列。①卜利查(George Pritchard,1796?883),英国传教士,毁坏他在塔希提岛的财产是引起一八四三年英法冲突的导火线。

更多网络解释与假使相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a case in point:恰当的例子

a case in point 恰当的例子 | in any case 无论如何,不管怎样 | in case 假使,以防(引导虚拟语气)

in case:假使,以防(万一)

in brief 简单地说 | in case 假使,以防万一 | in case of 假如,如果发生;防备

An thou hadst not come to my bed:假使你未上我的床

You promised me to wed. 曾许诺带我走进婚礼的殿堂 | So would I ha' done, by yonder sun, "我本确实打算这样 | An thou hadst not come to my bed. 假使你未上我的床"

if it were not for:要不是,假使没有

as the word goes照习惯讲 | if it were not for要不是,假使没有 | if it had not been far若不是,若没有

In that event:如果那样,如果那种情况发生,假使那样的话,在那时候

in that case, he wouldn't have been saved. 要是那样的话,他就没救了. | in that event如果那样,如果那种情况发生,假使那样的话,在那时候: | In that event, I'll agree. 如果那样的话,我会同意.


inbrief简单地说 | incase假使,以防万一 | incaseof假如,如果发生;防备


inanycase(无论如何) | incase(假使;以防) | inthecaseof(就...来说)

If assets exceed liability coverage, purchase more:假使资产远大於保单负担的责任保险,应考虑额外的保险

Coverage D: Loss of use范围D:使用的... | If assets exceed liability coverage, purchase more.假使资产远大於保单负担的责任保险,应考虑额外的保险 | Keeping Your Homeowner's Insurance Costs Down使你的房屋保...

suppose supposed supposing supposes:假使

become became becoming becomes变成 | suppose supposed supposing supposes假使 | copy copied copying copies复制

And if it terrifies you:假使它讓你害怕

Cause we need each other in the dark 因為我們在黑暗中互相慰藉 | And if it terrifies you 假使它讓你害怕 | Then it terrifies me 那麼也會讓我害怕